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In the limelight - The Ecolint
Learner Passport
The Ecolint Learner Passport is an innovative
educational initiative , designed to provide a
more holistic measure of student achievement.
Unlike traditional programs that focus solely on RECOGNISE ALL LEARNING
academic performance, the Learner Passport REPRESENT THE WHOLE PERSON
emphasises the framework seven core global
competencies developed by the UNESCO-IBE : Academic UNESCO-IBE Extracurricular
Lifelong learning, Self-agency, Interacting with Achievement GLOBAL COMPETENCES Success
others, Interacting with the world, Interactively
using diverse tools and resources, Multi- Transdisciplinarity Lifelong learning
literateness, and Trans-disciplinarity.
These competencies are fostered through the use Multiliterateness Self-agency
of diverse tools and resources, preparing students
for a world that increasingly values adaptability, Interacting with diverse
collaboration, and cross-disciplinary thinking. tools and resources Interacting with others
Interacting with the world
At its heart, the Learner Passport serves as a
comprehensive record of a student’s journey COMPETENCE-BASED LEARNING
from secondary education to graduation. It
captures not only academic achievements but
also accomplishments in the arts, personal
development, and practical skills. The program • To give universities or industries more
recognises that education extends beyond information on a student through the student's
standardised exams and formal qualifications, competence profile.
offering a space for students to showcase a • For students to have agency over the
broad spectrum of talents, competencies, and representation of their learning journey.
By honouring a broader spectrum of learning How does the Ecolint Learner Passport work?
experiences and capabilities, the Ecolint Learner • The Ecolint learner passport is an interactive
Passport empowers students to present a well- online platform that allows for students to curate
rounded profile to universities, employers, and their own learning.
other institutions, emphasising not just what
they have learned, but how they can apply their • Year 10 to Year 13 Mentors help students log
knowledge and skills in the real world.
their achievement. Mentors are an important
part of the process.
In a nutshell: • A Foundation team has designed the system
Why an Ecolint Learner Passport? that assigns levels of mastery in competences so
• To capture learning wherever it has happened. it is easy to use: level 1 (passing), level 2 (good),
• To allow students to celebrate and demonstrate level 3 (excellent).
achievement, in and out of the classroom. • While working on their Learner Passport
• To represent the whole person.
over several years, students can see how their
individual competence profile evolves over
time. The more data is added into the Ecolint
Future Competences and the Future Learner Passport, the more precise the student
of Curriculum - A Global Reference for competence profile is.
Curricula Transformation - Mmantsetsa • All Ecolint students graduate with an Ecolint
Marope, Patrick Griffin, Carmel Learner Passport.
Gallagher (UNESCO-IBE)
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