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diplomats’ spouses - unsung heroes
Many years ago, being still part of accompanied by a “stay at home
the UN Special magazine, we tried wife” devoted to social functions,
to highlight the wives of UN high no longer represents current
officials. This got a mixed reaction, reality. Today, the people who
and today we can understand why – accompany their diplomatic
their role is similar to the role of wives partner abroad often have their
of countries’ diplomats, Ambassadors, own careers, and can find it
and Permanent Representatives, but difficult to continue these abroad, As a reader of our magazine, which is
different in important ways. The wives not least because, in most countries, intended mainly for the international
of Ambassadors and diplomats are diplomatic spouses are not eligible for diplomatic community, you will know
generally expected to perform certain a work permit. that Ambassadors are prominent on
roles, but apart from the usual benefits, our pages. However, we now like to
the UN does not anticipate a spouse’s In the recent past diplomatic wives highlight spouses, some of whom may
role. This is because a UN official, even have been expected to follow their find their vocation in volunteering or
on secondment, does not represent a husbands around the world, many other passions. Others might remain in
country, but fulfils the mandate of the accepting the role of supporting their the shade, organizing the household or
Organization, which explains why we partners and their services without involved in childcare: roles which are
have not known about many of those formal recognition of any position. As equally important. As our magazine
wives. When they become well-known a result the vast majority of wives face is called Diva, created more than 20
it is generally because of their own significant career challenges. Many years ago by Marit Fosse, its Editor-in-
volunteer work, not by supporting must place their career ambitions on Chief, we decided to give the title Diva
their husbands’ work: Nane Annan is hold or figure out how to readjust them, a special meaning because all spouses
a good example of this. meaning that career advancement is are in one way or another true Divas of
stalled or stopped, They instead became international diplomacy.
Different countries approach the role incorporated into their husbands’ work
of diplomats’ spouses differently; and way of life, often identifying with Of course, some spouses have been
mainly in ambassadorial roles. In their work and progress. For some prominent in the UN Women’s Guild
general terms the spouse of a diplomat/ this is traumatic, while others see (UNWG), and we are proposing in
Ambassador can be considered a themselves as having a parallel career this issue an interview of its Vice-
partner in the diplomatic service. In alongside their partners. Furthermore, President Radiona Nikova, the spouse
1914, U.S. consul Francis Keene wrote whilst some diplomats are referred to as of the Ambassador and the Permanent
to his wife Florence, “You and I, as a of “ably seconded” or “ably assisted” by Representative of Bulgaria to the UN
team, are, I am confident, unexcelled their spouses, who may be recognized in Geneva.
in the Service.” Career diplomat Earl as having a special position in some
Packer explained that “the wives countries. However, the activities, lives and
carry a terrific burden” in the Foreign sacrifices of other spouses are less
Service, while another longtime Many wives while demonstrating well-known. We would like to give
diplomat, Willard Beaulac, declared, exemplary resilience in accepting them the floor to share their stories,
“I know of no field in which a wife can career challenges and showing devotion so that their role is known and duly
be more helpful.” and support to their husbands’ careers, acknowledged. We are launching a
remain unsung heroes. That is why we special rubric for the diplomats’ wives,
While representing one’s country decided to give special attention to the and have also asked Radiona Nikova
abroad is undeniably prestigious, it spouses of diplomats, and Permanent to lead it for our future issues of the
has its downside. Behind the prestige, Representatives. Even when there is Diva magazine. We do hope that this
living abroad presents challenges for often no post for them, their role is rubric will be of interest!
spouses and families. The old cliché important and always involves some
where a diplomat, usually a man, is sacrifices. Evelina Rioukhina
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h