Page 41 - DIVA_1_2024
P. 41

The romans founded a settlement        outside staircase has three sets of eleven steps.  View of
                   on the river.                          Furthermore,  construction  of  the  cathedral  Solothurn
                   Solothurn owes its foundation to the river Aare  took eleven years, from 1762 to 1773.  St Ursen
                   and  its  special  location  as  the  first  crossing                         Cathedral
                   place  east  of  the  Jura  lakes.  The  Romans  The  number  11  is  alive  in  the  magnificent
                   built a bridge and founded the settlement of  heritage site to an almost inconceivable level.
                   Salodurum as a stopover, so to speak, on their  The architect also instilled the building with
                   route of conquest.                     a multitude of symbols and signs, hinting at
                                                          some cryptic element in its creation process,
                   According to legend, Ursus, a member of the  but also hinting at a numerical sequence that
                   eleventh Thebaic Legion, refused to carry out  ultimately  adds  up  to  something  far  more
                   the order of the Roman emperor Maximilian  powerful.
                   to  fight  against  Christian  fellow-believers  in
                   what is now Valais. In 303 AD, the Legion was  Eleven represents the dream of
                   massacred  as  a  punishment.  Ursus  fled  the  trying to attain something better.
                   massacre along with Victor von Solothurn, but  If you stand in front of its Romanesque façade,
                   they  were  captured  in  Solothurn,  beheaded,  the calculated brilliance behind the cathedral’s
                   and  thrown  into  the  Aare.  However,  the  frame is striking. As well as the three sets of 11
                   legend states they rose from the river intact,  steps there are two classical fountains flanking
                   and these two saints were buried where the St.  the staircase, one of Gideon and one of a devil-
                   Peter’s Chapel now stands.             horned Moses, each adorned with 11 fine taps
                                                          that trickle water into basins below through
                   Symbolic significance of 11 in St ur-  the heat of summer. There are 11 doors, and
                   sus Cathedral.                         the structure’s height is split into three parts
                   The  St  Ursus  Cathedral  is  now  Solothurn’s  of  11  meters  each,  all  dominated  by  the  66
                   most  important  landmark,  and  Ursus  is  the  meter belfry. That this tower hides a carillon
                   town’s  patron  saint.  It  is  a  masterpiece  of  of bells just shy of a dozen should come as no
                   architecture,  but  also  a  celebration  of  the  surprise.
                   number 11. In 1762, Master builder Gaetano
                   Matteo Pisoni from Ascona used the number as  This was not a personal obsession of Pisoni – the
                   a motif throughout the church. The cathedral  town rulers at the time ordered him to include
                   has  eleven  doors  and  eleven  altars,  and  the  the number, which he duly did. Even one of the
                   pews  are  arranged  in  rows  of  eleven.  The  altars is made from 11 types of marble. When

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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