Page 68 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.2, September 2024
P. 68

pilgrimage in Switzerland and beyond, being the Swiss part of the Way of St. James,
            leading to the shrine of the apostle James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

            The Abbey dominates the small town of Einsiedeln and is practically invisible until you
            approach it. But once you have seen it – it will leave you speechless for several minutes
            –  this  is  how  a  huge  place  suddenly  opens  up  to  you,  unimaginable in such a small
            town.  The  building  is  indeed  grandiose  and  colossal,  and  that  is  why  it  will  take  you
            some time to realize the gigantism of the place. Go around first, before entering it.

            You will see the Fountain of Mary or the Lady Foundaine (Marienbrunnen) in the middle,
            with the golden statue of Mary towering over it. Get closer and you will see the 14 outlet
            sprouts,  they  contain  holy  water  which  would  come  from  the  sacred  spring  found  by
            Meirand. Legend says that you should drink from all 14 sprouts, which will guarantee a
            long life. You will see people making a circle while trying to drink from the 14 sprouts,
            hoping for the miracle of longevity. There are two more sacred springs - you will see
            them closer to the building if you look around carefully. And another spring is inside the
            Abbey shop, you can take the holy water home in any of them.

            Now it's time to enter the building. You will be impressed by what you see there. In any
            case, no matter how religious or spiritual you are, you will be totally overwhelmed by the
            breathtaking and absolutely stunning architecture inside. The cathedral is pink, you will
            see all shades of pink, and it is like a museum filled with masterpieces of the arts.

            But this is not the way it looked long ago. In its present architecture, it was built over
            several  centuries  and  finished  in  1719  with  the  Baroque  ornamentation  completed  in
            1734.  Later,  under  French  occupation  some  things  were  destroyed  in  the  Abbey.  Its
            main part – the Chapel of Graces – was completely rebuilt in 1817 in the neoclassical
            style on the remaining parts of the old structure.

            When Meinrad had first come to the forest of Einsiedeln, he had brought along one of
            the mysterious Black Madonna statue, considered by many scholars to be Christianized
            pagan Dark Goddess. After Meinrad's death a small Benedictine cloister was built at the
            site of his hermitage and this cloister, called the Gnadenkapelle, i.e. Chapel of Grace.
            Today the Chapel of Grace houses a mid-15th century Black Madonna icon (the earlier
            icon  having  been  destroyed  in  a  fire)  and  it  is  the  primary  object  of  pilgrimage.  The
            Chapel stands directly upon the site of Meinrad's original hermitage, which is believed
            to  have  been  consecrated  by  Christ  himself  when  he  miraculously  appeared  on
            September  14,  948.  From  that  time  on,  September  14th  is  the  day  of  the  great
            pilgrimage from all over the world to Einsiedeln.

            People come there to see the Black Madonna, but also for healing. It is believed that
            simply looking at her will have a healing and protective effect. Try to experience it for
            yourself. And if you are lucky enough to visit it without crowds, try to sit opposite her in
            the silence of the place. I assure you that you will experience a special feeling no matter
            how religious you are or not at all. There is definitely a strong energy coming from her
            and this Chapel of Grace, as well as the entire place.  It is also interesting (and no less
            mysterious) that the Black Madonna changes her dress. I can't tell you what outfit she
            will meet you in. During my three visits, each time she presented him to me in different

            66                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No. 2, 2024-09

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