Page 67 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.2, September 2024
P. 67


                                                       PLACE !

                                                                              By Evelina RIOUKHINA

               During  our  monthly  meetings  at  Carrefour international,  while  discovering  in  detail
               Canton  by  Canton  of  Switzerland,  it  appeared  that  certain  stories  and  places  remain
               unvisited  and  little-known.  Following  numerous  requests  to  write  about  interesting
               places in Switzerland, I will gradually tell you about the places which aroused the most
               interest during our Carrefours. Einsiedeln (Canton of Schwyz) will be first on my list.

               If you have never been to Einsiedeln, do not put it off! Just go there ! This place is a
               marvel, and it is beautiful in every season. And once you see it, you will definitely come
               back. If you have already visited it, I hope to tell you something new and interesting, but
               if you do not know about this place, read my story before going there.

               While legends indicate that the site was sacred in pre-Christian times, its historical fame
                                                                        began  in  the  early  9th  century.  In
                                                                        835,  Saint  Meinrad,  a  young
                                                                        nobleman  who  had  been  a  monk
                                                                        at  the  monastery  of  Reichenau,
                                                                        left the monastery to live a hermit's
                                                                        life  in  the  forests  of  northeastern
                                                                        Switzerland,  near  Einsiedeln.  For
                                                                        26  years  he  lived  alone  with  two
                                                                        tamed     crows     as    his   only
                                                                        companions.  In  861,  two  bandits
                                                                        came     upon    Meinrad     in   his
                                                                        hermitage  and  murdered  him.
                                                                        Legends  say  that  Meinrad's  two
                                                                        crows    followed     the   bandits,
                                                                        hovering  and  shrieking  in  a
                                                                        strange  manner,  until  the  bandits
                                                                        were  captured  in  Zurich,  30  miles
                                                                        away.  To  commemorate  this  fact
                                                                        of  justice  and  dedication  to
                                                                        Meinrad,  and  as  protector  and
                                                                        guardian  of  the  town,  the  two
                                                                        crows can be seen on the Coat of
                                                                        Arms  of  Einsiedeln  and  on  its

               Einsiedeln Abbey is a monastery administered by the Benedictine Order and is one of
               the  most  powerful  abbeys  in  Europe,  and  certainly  the  most  powerful  and  sacred  in
               Switzerland, it is also the most important Baroque monastic site and largest venue of

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No.2, 2024-09                                                65

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