Page 62 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.2, September 2024
P. 62



                                   Fifty-fourth session of the FAFICS Council
                                                  22-25 July 2024

                                                                                Council 54/2024/D.10.c/1A.a.1

                              REPRESENTATION OF THE RETIREES


              Document prepared by Mohammed Sebti, AAFI-AFICS for inclusion in the 2024
                                              FAFICS Council agenda

            The management committees of the various medical insurance coverage schemes in
            the United Nations system are generally composed of members designated by their
            organization's administration and by members representing their active personnel. The
            representation of retirees is not uniform within the UN system and varies by
            organization. Some organizations include retirees in the Management Committees as
            full members with voting rights, equal to those representing the administration or active
            personnel, others only grant retirees observer status without the same prerogatives.

            The status of observers granted to retirees does not confer the authority and legitimacy
            necessary for them to exercise their functions as fully-fledged members. It should be
            noted that retirees continue to pay premiums for their coverage, and the organizations
            subsidize their coverage in the same way it is done for active staff members. The
            Retirees numbers are constantly growing, and they represent a significant proportion of
            the medically covered population. Given their age, they have specific needs that must
            be addressed.

            All these elements call for their full and active participation in the Management
            Committees, which need to be aware of their specificities and the factors linked to their
            age in order to manage their medical coverage with full knowledge. At its 41st session
            in 2012, the FAFICS Council adopted a resolution calling for the full participation of
            retirees in the organizations' management committees (Text of Resolution attached).

            Although it was noted with satisfaction that some organizations have authorized full
            participation of retirees, others remain reluctant and limit their representation to
            observer status. This is particularly the case in the UN Secretariat. Such limited status is
            detrimental to retirees as a distinct category of beneficiaries and to the medical scheme
            itself due to the imbalance in the representation of interests between active members
            and retirees.

            The resolution adopted in 2012 "invites member associations to make every effort to
            ensure that the formal participation of retirees in the management committees of the
            scheme is enshrined in the rules and procedures of the scheme itself, where this is not
            already the case."

            60                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No. 2, 2024-09

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