Page 81 - Bulletin, Vol.83 No.2, September 2024
P. 81

However,  it  wasn't  easy  to  maintain  this  feeling  after  retirement,  when  many  people
               isolate  themselves,  and  it's  not  at  all  easy  to  build  up  a  similar  relationship  with  the
               people  of  Geneva  (for  a  variety  of  reasons  -  busy  schedules,  different  lifestyles,
               misperceptions about 'internationals', lack of relevant information about 'internationals',
               language  barriers,  and  probably  different  professional  and  personal  mandates  and
               priorities) - all this is now a thing of the past, we've broken down the 'silos' (in a way,
               we've also broken down the barrier that existed for years between 'internationals' and
               Genevans, the mistrust, the misunderstanding - yes, we've broken it down and we've
               managed  to  create  a  bridge  between  us  and  we're  going  to  strengthen  our  links,
               because here we are the same senior citizens from the same town, the same canton(s)
               and the same country - where we all live, so we have to do things together, and we
               have to stick together and be united. On that day, we took a step towards that unity and
               formed a united team! Join us in the future in this team (Cité seniors), if you want to
               experience this wonderful feeling of togetherness and being together, united. Or at least
               take part in the many events that this wonderful town, canton and country has to offer:
               take part in all the important events, many of them noble, humanitarian, voluntary, with
               important aims, aimed at helping others or uniting  people, feel  and take part in such
               events, be part of society, and in this way you will change your life, your goals in life
               after  retirement,  and,  no  less  important  -  you  will  change  the  perception  of


                                              FINALLY REBUILD

                                                                                 By Odette FOUDRAL

               It's funny and sad at the same time.

               But above all it shows us the extent to which education systems were at the service of
               power... and unfortunately still are. It also shows us that dictatorships are well aware of
               the extent to which education is a dangerous tool for their survival.

               Those  of  us  fortunate  enough  to  have  had  access  to  school  have  been  seriously
               influenced, I would even say distorted, by the information given in history lessons.

               I'm referring primarily to France, but this is probably be the case elsewhere.

               What do we remember about French history?

                   1.  The truculence of the Gauls, particularly in the various films
                   2.  Charlemagne
                   3.  St Louis, of course
                   4.  Henri
                   5.  Louis XIV

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 83 No.2, 2024-09                                                79

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