P. 10

Meet Your Soul

                                       Give and Take


          I t is not true that all  that    When Gautam Buddha was  Man  is a house  that has no
        appears  to  be  tiny  is  only  a  unhappy  he  went  into  the  doors and no windows - he is a
        receiver,  a beggar,  and all  forest.  and  when  he  became  closed house. And Leibniz used
        that appears to be immensely  blissful  he  returned  to  town.  to say that even if you stretch
        vast is only a give. Giving and  When  Mahavira  was  unhappy  out  your  arms  in  this  closed
        receiving,  the beggar  and the  he  too  went  into  the  forest,  house, they do not stretch far,
        emperor  are  simultaneously  and  when  he  became  blissful  they reach only to the walls of
        there in all.                    he  returned  to  town.  Have  your own house. You Simply do
           Shrinking and Expanding:      you  asked  why  a  sad  man  not reach as far as the other. A
           A French scientist developed  goes to the forest? He shrinks,  sad man is a monad.
        a small  instrument that                                                   The    antonym     of
        measures the  amount of                                                 monad  is  the  word
        energy that is entering man                                             'opening'. Monad means
        each moment from the                                                    windowless,  doorless.
        cosmos. Interestingly, when                                             If we coin a word for a
        you  are  happy  this  energy                                           mediator,  we  will  have
        enters  into  you  more,  and                                           to  say  'wall-less'.  There
        when you are sad, it enters                                             arises  no  question  of
        less.  If  you  are  sad,  your                                         windows  or  doors  ;
        doors  and  windows  are                                                a mediator turns  the
        closed  and  shrunken; less                                             whole house into a door.
        energy penetrates you.                                                  He removes all the walls
           Sadness  causes shrinking.  he  is  afraid  of  even  meeting  and comes under the open sky,
        This  is  why  a  sad  man  says,  someone.  A  happy  man  flows  so that the whole may shower
        "Don't talk to me, don't disturb  like the current of a river,  he  directly upon him... It becomes
        me.  Let  me  sit in a   corner,  longs to share with all. Without  one with him. Yoga's emphasis
        let me curl up in a corner, let  sharing,  happiness  becomes  is  on  peace,  bliss,  silence, on
        me die."  He closes  the door,  heavy. Sadness wants to shrink;  selflessness as paths to realise
        darkens the room. A sad man  hence a sad man remain alone.       godliness,  because through
        shrinks. A blissful man likes to    Are You a Monad?             them you become more open.
        share.  A  happy  man  becomes      Mathematician       Leibniz     Energy Input And Output :
        restless if he  is alone; he  would  say  that  man  is  a          The French device not only
        runs to someone to share his  'monad'.  Monad  is  his  word  records  that  energy  is  coming
        happiness.                       and  it  means  'windowless'.  from  without,  it  also  records

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