P. 11

Meet Your Soul

        that each moment the energy  taking is equal. If this balance  the cud  has  its  uses, because
        is  being  responded  to  by  the  is disturbed.  it is a mistake  first  a  buffalo  takes  in  a  large
        person.  Man is also releasing  and life becomes complicated.  quantity  of  food,  then  she
        waves of energy each moment.  Hence it is necessary to rightly  spends  her  time  chewing  it.
        We are not only receiving from  understand  this  sixth  sutra of  But the chewing that a worried
        the divine, we are also giving.  yoga. I call that man a mediator  man does is meaningless.
           And do not think that if the  who  returns  as  much  as    he   Energy should come in and
        divine does not exist, you will  takes;  the  account  is  always  go out too. And it should always
        not exist either. The contrary is  clear...                      have an inner balance; taking in
        also true- if you are not there,    Chewing The Cud :            and giving out should be equal.
        the divine  can  not  be there      A  worried  man's  energy  Then the relationship that form
        either. Don't think that it is only  starts  circling  and buzzing  between man and the universe
        the ocean that is giving water  within  himself  like  whirlpools  is beyond description. Thus this
        to the clouds;  remember too  in  the  water.  He  starts  sixth  sutra  of  yoga  says  that
        that clouds  are returning this  ruminating...chewing  the  cud  nobody can be solely a giver or
        water  to  the  ocean  through  like  a  buffalo.  A  buffalo  has  solely  a  receiver,  nobody  can
        rivers...  Wherever  there is  eaten  the  food--then  bringing  be solely a beggar or a solely a
        taking, there is  also  giving.  it  back,  it  starts  chewing  it  king .
        And it is balanced---giving and  again...But the buffalo chewing                         ***

                                                            e`R;q	ij	djus	okyk	,d	dke

                                                        e`R;q	ij	yxk	rks	,d	ikS/k

                                                        nck	rks	,d	cht	dy	ds	fy,
                                                        vkRek	utj&vej&foLr`r	gS
                                                        c<+us	nks	mldks	o`{k	:i	esa
                                                        gj	tho	lgkjk	ik	tk;sxk
                                                        ljk;	izkIr	dj	ysxk
                                                        vkRek	jgsxh	o`{k	esa]	,d	yacs	dky	rd

                                                        vkus	okyh	ihf<+;ka	Hkh]	laU;kl	bls	ekusaxh
                                                        ,d	Øe	pyrk	jgsxk]	o`{k	:i
                                                        esa	thou	u;k	iuirk	jgsxk
                                                        oSls	Hkh	thou	dk	var	ugha	dHkh	gksrk	gS

                                                        e`R;q	rks	l`tu	gS	u,	thou	dk
                                                        igyk	[kRe	gksrk	gS]	nwtk	izkjaHk	jgrk	gS
                                                        rks	e`R;q	gksus	ij	esjh]	,d	cht	Hkwfe	esa	Nqik	nsuk
                                                        ,d	yacs	le;	rd]	vius	yksxksa	ds	chp	jgwaxkAA

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