Page 31 - Soroka brochure digital ALL
P. 31

"We want to thank the incredible orthopedic staff who
                helped and mentored us with everything, and showed                       "There are times in life when one phone call turns

                such tremendous love and patience to our dear son –                      your life upside down. This happened to me when
                as if he was one of their own."                                          I woke up one morning with a message from my
                Malki Family, from a village near Beer-Sheva
                                                                                         sister that our dad was in the ICU at Soroka. Two

                                                                                         weeks  later, I  entered the ICU  and  saw  my  dad
                "I thought  things like this only happened  in movies.                   fighting for his life with one of the viruses that you
                Yesterday, I was at Soroka with my young daughter.                       never think can hit so closely and so deeply.
                I  witnessed  the  work  of  the  entire  staff  with  the               Those were days with no hope. But in such times,

                Israel Defense Forces soldiers – the compassion, the                     you meet extraordinary people who will go beyond
                professionalism,  and the  commitment  they  showed
                despite the extremely difficult situation. I never once                  themselves to fight for a patient’s life and do the
                saw a doctor or nurse stop to eat, drink, or take a break.               impossible to bring patients back to life and cure
                They were thoroughly involved in doing everything                        them of diseases  that seem to be incurable. I’ve
                required for the injured. As a mother of two soldiers, I                 seen  those  doctors,  nurses,  and other  personnel
                just feel like giving you a hug and telling you how much                 being not only exceptional professionals, but also
                I value your work. There’s nobody like you!"                             extraordinary human beings.
                Biton Family, Beer-Sheva

                                                                                         You have the best unit in  the world.  Every nurse
                                                                                         has such a high appreciation of doctors and other

                 "They saved my life. They took good care of me.                         nurses and I don’t think you can find other unit like
                 I didn’t feel like I was in a hospital. I felt supported,               this anywhere."
                 that I was given love and care."                                        Family from Australia
                 Efrat, age 10, Beer-Sheva
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