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Artificial Intelligence Executive Meeting Room
(AI) Data Center
The executive meeting room will host guests, delegations, seminars,
Data is the new “natural” resource, workshops, and discussion groups. It will include state-of-the-art
and Soroka has petabytes of it. multimedia systems for presentations, video conferencing, and
Clinical data is the cornerstone for demonstrations.
many studies, and the foundation
upon which innovative algorithms Donation requested for naming: $150,000
for clinical decision support systems A plaque recognizing your donation and acknowledging your generosity
are built. On the main floor of the will be placed in a prominent location in the Executive Meeting Room.
innovation center, a dedicated AI The donor’s name will appear on Soroka’s Donors’ Wall of Honor.
data center room will house a team
of data scientists who provide
support for all activities related to
data acquisition, cleansing, and
provisioning for internal and external
Donation requested for naming:
A plaque recognizing your donation
and acknowledging your generosity
will be placed in a prominent
location in the AI data center room.
The donor’s name will appear on
Soroka’s Donors’ Wall of Honor.