Page 2 - rise and shine 1 sb_20.01
P. 2
Scope and sequence
Scope and sequence
sounds Communicative Global Citizenship Functional language Project
and real-world
p, b Describing favourite I welcome people to my neighbourhood. Rules of common A plant
Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2 object I care about my community. courtesy pot
How old are you?
Numbers 1–10; colours: black, Hi!/Hello! Classroom objects: bag, It’s a (desk). I’m six.
Welcome blue, brown, orange, pink, What’s your book, chair, desk, door, It’s (brown).
to Rise and Shine purple, red, white, yellow name? I’m…/My pencil
Towers name’s… Classroom language:
Be quiet, Listen, Look, Sit
down t, d Describing toys I share toys! bike, kite, music box, plane Polite requests A toy
Old for me, new for you – I share and recycle Can I play, please? Yes, poster
1 1 Old Toys: ball, car, doll, elephant, What’s this? It’s Adjectives: big, small, It’s (old). my toys. let’s play./Here you are.
See value and appreciate old toys.
a (car).
new, old
robot, tablet, teddy bear, train
new toys Respect the toys of others.
toys, g, c Presenting family I celebrate all families! cousin, friend, Expressing thanks A family
and people around neighbour, pet This is for you! circle
2 2 All Family: auntie, brother, dad, Who’s this? This Pets: bird, cat, dog, fi sh I’ve got a (fi sh). you Love your family and pets. Thank you!
Respect and celebrate diff erences among
grandad, granny, mum, sister,
is my…
I’ve got (two)
of families uncle brothers. people’s families.
kinds Understand the importance of the wider
Review 1
Important to me community as a family.
(Unit 1 and 2) m, n Describing abilities / I play with friends clap (your hands), close/ Imperative instructions A talent
what you can do open (your eyes), touch (your feet), move and paying a show
3 3 Amazing Body parts: arms, ears, eyes, I’ve got (brown) Actions: dance, hop, I can/can’t… your body compliment
jump, run
feet, hands, legs, mouth, nose
eyes/two arms.
Respect diff erences and diff erent abilities.
Touch your nose! Well
bodies Self-worth: appreciate our bodies and abilities. done!
ch, h Asking about likes I like different foods pasta, rice, salad, soup Asking for food A perfect
and dislikes Find out about the food you eat. Can I have a/an …, lunch
4 4 Let’s eat Food: bananas, bread, I like (bananas). More food: Do you like Developing personal identity through food. please?
I don’t like
(pizza)? Yes, I
cheese, chicken, milk, olives,
ice cream, milkshake,
Review 2 strawberries, tomatoes (chicken). pizza, sandwiches do. / No, I don’t. Here you are.
up All about me
(Unit 3 and 4) s, f Describing insects I explore nature! fl ower, grass, pond, tree Making plans/ A park
Animals: duck, fox, frog, lizard, I can see a… , Mini-beasts: ant, bee, Is it a… ? and animals Respect animals. suggestions collage
5 5 Nature mouse, owl, rabbit, turtle I can see (two) butterfly, ladybird Yes, it is. / No, Find out about living things. Let’s fi nd
us (frogs). it isn’t. Share the world. (a) (butterfl y)!
j, sh Describing clothes; I appreciate special clothes! boots, hat, Inviting and giving A dress-up
6 6 Clothes: dress, jumper, pyjamas, I’m wearing Feelings: cold, happy, I’m (cold/hot/ giving advice / jeans, skirt advice doll
hot, sad
shirt, shoes, shorts, T-shirt,
(a) (dress).
Come to my party! Wear a
making suggestions Appreciate and understand diff erence and
Review 3 trousers about what to wear diversity (cultures, clothing, traditions). (big) (hat)!
dress up
Around me Feel good in the clothes you wear.
(Unit 5 and 6)
Goodbye Happy holidays!
Have a good time! Goodbye! See you soon!
Seasons Autumn: apple, chestnut, fi re, leaf, pumpkin, tree; It’s windy!
Winter: boots, gloves, hat, light, scarf, snow; It’s snowy!
Spring: blossom, butterfly, chick, egg, flower, lamb, rabbit; It’s cloudy!
Summer: beach, ice-cream, picnic, sun hat, sunglasses, sunny, swimming costume; It’s sunny!
4 Course overview