Page 3 - rise and shine 1 sb_20.01
P. 3

Vocabulary 1  Grammar 1  Vocabulary 2  Grammar 2

 Numbers 1–10; colours: black,   Hi!/Hello!   Classroom objects: bag,  It’s a (desk).    My   Communicative   Functional language
 Welcome  blue, brown, orange, pink,   What’s your   book, chair, desk, door,   It’s (brown).  sounds  outcome  Global Citizenship  and real-world  Project
 to Rise and Shine   purple, red, white, yellow  name? I’m…/My  pencil   p, b  Describing favourite   I welcome people to my neighbourhood.  Rules of common   A plant
 Towers  name’s…  Classroom language:   object  I care about my community.  courtesy               pot
 Be quiet, Listen, Look, Sit
 down                                                                       How old are you?
                                                                            I’m six.

 Toys: ball, car, doll, elephant,   What’s this? It’s   Adjectives: big, small,   It’s (old).

 1 1    Old toys,    robot, tablet, teddy bear, train  a (car).  new, old

 new toys     t, d   Describing toys   I share toys! bike, kite, music box, plane  Polite requests  A toy
                                       Old for me, new for you – I share and recycle  Can I play, please? Yes,   poster
                                       my toys.                             let’s play./Here you are.
 Family: auntie, brother, dad,   Who’s this? This   Pets: bird, cat, dog, fish  I’ve got a (fish).   See value and appreciate old toys.

 2 2    All kinds    grandad, granny, mum, sister,   is my…  I’ve got (two)   Respect the toys of others.

 of families  uncle  brothers.   g, c  Presenting family   I celebrate all families! cousin, friend,   Expressing thanks  A family
                     and people around   neighbour, pet                     This is for you!       circle
 Review 1            you               Love your family and pets.           Thank you!
 Important to me                       Respect and celebrate differences among
 (Unit 1 and 2)                        people’s families.
                                       Understand the importance of the wider
 Body parts: arms, ears, eyes,   I’ve got (brown)   Actions: dance, hop,   I can/can’t…  community as a family.

 3 3    Amazing bodies  feet, hands, legs, mouth, nose  eyes/two arms.   jump, run

          m, n       Describing abilities /  I play with friends clap (your hands), close/  Imperative instructions   A talent
                     what you can do   open (your eyes), touch (your feet), move   and paying a    show
                                       your body                            compliment
                                       Respect differences and different abilities.  Touch your nose! Well
 Food: bananas, bread,   I like (bananas).   More food:   Do you like   Self-worth: appreciate our bodies and abilities.  done!

 4 4    Let’s eat up  cheese, chicken, milk, olives,   I don’t like   ice cream, milkshake,   (pizza)? Yes, I   ch, h  Asking about likes   I like different foods pasta, rice, salad, soup  Asking for food  A perfect

 Review 2   strawberries, tomatoes  (chicken).   pizza, sandwiches   do. / No, I don’t.  and dislikes  Find out about the food you eat.  Can I have a/an …,   lunch
 All about me                          Developing personal identity through food.  please?
 (Unit 3 and 4)                                                             Here you are.

 Animals: duck, fox, frog, lizard,   I can see a… ,   Mini-beasts: ant, bee,   Is it a… ?

 5 5    Nature around   mouse, owl, rabbit, turtle  I can see (two)   butterfly, ladybird  Yes, it is. / No,    s, f  Describing insects   I explore nature! flower, grass, pond, tree  Making plans/  A park

 us  (frogs).   it isn’t.  and animals  Respect animals.                    suggestions            collage
                                       Find out about living things.        Let’s find
                                       Share the world.                     (a) (butterfly)!
 Clothes: dress, jumper, pyjamas,  I’m wearing    Feelings: cold, happy,   I’m (cold/hot/
 6 6   Let’s dress up  shirt, shoes, shorts, T-shirt,   (a) (dress).  hot, sad  happy/sad)  j, sh  Describing clothes;   I appreciate special clothes! boots, hat,   Inviting and giving   A dress-up

 Review 3   trousers  giving advice /   jeans, skirt                        advice                 doll
                                                                            Come to my party! Wear a
                     making suggestions  Appreciate and understand difference and
 Around me           about what to wear  diversity (cultures, clothing, traditions).  (big) (hat)!
 (Unit 5 and 6)                        Feel good in the clothes you wear.

 Goodbye  Happy holidays!
 Have a good time! Goodbye! See you soon!
 Seasons  Autumn: apple, chestnut, fire, leaf, pumpkin, tree; It’s windy!
 Winter: boots, gloves, hat, light, scarf, snow; It’s snowy!
 Spring: blossom, butterfly, chick, egg, flower, lamb, rabbit; It’s cloudy!
 Summer: beach, ice-cream, picnic, sun hat, sunglasses, sunny, swimming costume; It’s sunny!

                                                                                        Course overview     2/24/21
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