Page 82 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 82


            Speaking and Listening
                                                                Carlos   Hey, there are about 300 people here tonight!
                                                                    Nadia   Don’t say things like that, Carlos! You’ll make
            1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
                                                                        Zak nervous.
                 1  Where do you think the friends are?             Zak     I don’t feel well.
                 2  What do you think Zak is going to do?

                                                                    Jody       Can I get you some water?
                                                                    Zak     No, thanks , Jody.   Oh no! Where’s my lucky
            2    3.9    Listen and read the conversation.
               Check your answers.
                                                                    Nadia       Can I help you?
                                                                    Zak     Yes, please.  I can’t find my … No! Wait!
            3     3.9    Listen and read again. Are the
                                                                        Here it is. Sorry. I’m just nervous.
               sentences true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK)?
                                                                    Carlos   Now remember, Zak. Don’t make any mistakes.
                 1  Jody thinks Zak is thirsty.  F                      If you do, you won’t win the competition.
                 2  Nadia thinks Carlos is making Zak nervous.        Jody     Really, Carlos!
                 3  Nadia finds Zak’s lucky charm.                  Nadia     What’s the first prize?
                 4  Carlos says that Zak will make mistakes.        Zak     Two tickets to a concert.
                 5  The first prize is two tickets to a rock concert.
                                                                    Nadia     Who will you take if you win?
                 6  Zak is going to take Nadia to the concert.

                                                                    Carlos  Not you, Nadia! That’s for sure!
                 7  There are four people in Zak’s band.
                                                                    Jody       Look, here’s the rest of the band. Good luck,
                                                                        Zak.   Go for it!

            4   Act out the conversation in groups of four.
                                                                      Say it in your language …
                                                                        That’s for sure!
                                                                        Go for it!

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