Page 86 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 86

h Y
                                       ur M
            Refresh Your Memory!
           Grammar Review                                        Vocabulary Review
           1   Complete the sentences with  will  or  won’t  and   4   Choose the correct options.
             these verbs.                                            1  We went to a classical music  station /  concert

                                                                     last night.
              be     buy         download       enjoy
                                                                     2  The songs on this  album / digital music  are great.
          learn      listen      perform        watch
                                                                     3  The great  singer / composer   wrote 600 songs.

                                                                     4  Tracks / Hits  3 and 4 are my favourite songs

               1  I don’t think the tickets  will be  expensive.     on this CD.
               2 They   the film on television tomorrow.             5  Their new song is in the  pop   chart / CD release

               3    people   to music on the radio in the future?    at the moment.
               4    she   to play a musical instrument?              6  Do you think their new song will be a  playlist / hit ?
               5  In the future I think people   all their music
               from the internet.                                5   Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.
               6  The school choir   in a concert next week.
                                                                     1  His favourite music is  reggae .
             7  They   the Katy Perry concert. They love
                                                                     2 She’s an   singer.
               her music.
                                                                     3  He plays the   in an orchestra.
             8  People   CDs in shops in the future.
                                                                     4  Anna wants to play the   in a band.
                                                                     5  Adrian plays the saxophone in a   band.
           2   Complete the text with  will  or  won’t  and the
             verb in brackets.                                       6  He plays the   . He’s very famous.

               How   will we listen  ( we / listen) to music in the   1         2                3
             future? Well, there      (not be) CDs thirty years
             from now. A lot of people download music now.

             In the future, maybe we     (download) all our
             music onto media players. Perhaps we      (not
             pay) for the tracks we download, but tickets for
             concerts      (be) more expensive.  More people   4                5                6
             6          (make) music at home and some of us

             (use) computer software programs to re-mix
             music in different ways! We      (get) emails with
             news about our favourite bands and singers from
             their websites.
           3   Make First conditional sentences.                 Speaking Review
               1  if / they / miss / the concert / they / not see /   6   3.13  Put the conversation in the correct
               the band
                                                                   order.  Then listen and check.
                 If they miss the concert, they won’t see the band.
                                                                       Sally   I can’t find Dad’s jazz CD.
               2  I / not dance / if / you / play / techno music       Matt   What are you looking for?   1
               3  if / his computer / not work / he / not do / his       Matt   Sure.   No problem.
               homework                                                Sally   Yes, please. Can you look behind the

               4  she / play tennis / if / it / not rain / tomorrow       bookcase for me?
               5  they / help / you / if / you / ask / them            Matt   Do you want some help?
               6  they / go / to the concert / if / they / find /
               the tickets
             7  if / it / rain / they / stay / at home           Dictation
             8  if / I / not leave / now / I / be / late
                                                                 7    3.14  Listen and write in your notebook.
                                                               9   My assessment profile: Workbook page 133

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