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Unit 8

           1   Look at the two texts. Where do you think        4     3.17   Read the texts again. Are the
             they are from?                                        sentences about Jessica Watson (JW), Jordan
               1  A geography textbook                             Romero (JR) or both (B)?
               2 A newspaper                                         1  This person lives in Australia.    JW

               3  A travel book                                      2  This person is younger than eighteen.
                                                                     3  This person had an adventure alone.
           2   Read the texts quickly and check your answer          4  This person had an adventure with a parent.
             to Exercise 1.                                          5  This person has visited every continent.
           3     3.17   Read again. Answer the questions.            6  This person is going to write a book.
               1  What is the name of Jessica’s boat?           5  What about you?  Think of a place you want to
                 It’s Ella’s Pink Lady.                            visit. In pairs, ask and answer.
               2  How old was Jessica on 15th May 2010?              1  Where is it?
               3  What nationality is Jessica?                       2  What is it like?
               4  Where was Jordan born?                             3  How can you travel there?
               5  On which continent is Mount Kosciusko?             4  What do you want to do there?
               6  On what date did Jordan reach the top of
               Mount Everest?
                                                                      Where is it?
     6\GQH\ 7LPHV  _     0D\                                                        It’s in Australia.

       SHUVRQ WR VDLO DURXQG WKH ZRUOG                          California Times    |  23 May 2010


                                                                 climbs Everest

                                                                   Jordan Romero, born
                                                                 in California on 12 July
                                                                 1996, is the youngest
                                                                 person in the world to
                                                                 climb Mount Everest.
                                                                 Jordan, his father and
                                                                 three Nepalese sherpas
                                                                 reached the summit
                                                                 of Everest yesterday .
                                                                 Jordan’s mother wasn’t with him, but he used a satellite
          HVVLFD :DWVRQ KDV EHFRPH WKH \RXQJHVW SHUVRQ WR VDLO DURXQG   phone to speak to her . ‘Mom, I’m calling you from the
        -WKH  ZRUOG  DORQH   -HVVLFD  DQG  KHU  ERDW   (OOD·V  3LQN  /DG\    top of the world,’ he said.
        KDYH  VDLOHG  DFURVV  GDQJHURXV  RFHDQV  DQG  VHDV   +HU  MRXUQH\   The young American has climbed the tallest
        ODVWHG     GD\V  %XW WRGD\  DW      S P   WKUHH GD\V EHIRUH KHU   mountain on all of the world’s seven continents:
        VHYHQWHHQWK  ELUWKGD\   -HVVLFD  DUULYHG  EDFN  KRPH  LQ  6\GQH\   Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, Mount Elbrus in
        +DUERXU  $XVWUDOLD  $ERXW        SHRSOH ZHUH ZDLWLQJ WR PHHW   Europe, Mount Aconcagua in South America, Mount
        KHU  LQFOXGLQJ KHU IDWKHU DQG EURWKHU  7KRXVDQGV PRUH SHRSOH   McKinley in North America, Mount Kosciusko in
        ZHUH ZDWFKLQJ KHU RQ 79                                 Australia and Mount Vinson Massif in Antarctica.
        7KH \RXQJ VDLORU KDV VROG WKH VWRU\ RI KHU MRXUQH\ WR D QHZVSDSHU   He hasn't sold his story to a newspaper but he is
        IRU             6KH  LV  DOVR  JRLQJ  WR  ZULWH  D  ERRN  DERXW  KHU   planning to write a book about his adventures.

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