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P. 90

Grammar  Present perfect

            Regular verbs: affirmative                        Irregular verbs: affirmative
            I/You/We/They  ’ve (have) arrived                 I/You/We/They  ’ve (have) been
                                                   home.                                              away.
            He/She/It      ’s (has) arrived                   He/She/It      ’s (has) been

            Regular verbs: negative                           Irregular verbs: negative
            I/You/We/They  haven’t (have not) arrived         I/You/We/They  haven’t (have not) been
                                                   home.                                              away.

            He/She/It          hasn’t (has not) arrived         He/She/It        hasn’t (has not) been

                                                               Grammar reference Workbook page 100
            1   Study the grammar tables. Choose the correct      4   Complete the text with the Present perfect
               options to complete the rules.                       form of the verbs.
                                                                      Jed Hunter is on holiday in the United States. He
                 1  We make the Present perfect with  have / be  +
                                                                       hasn’t taken  (not take) lots of money with him
                 the past participle.
                                                                    because he is skateboarding across America –
                 2  We use the Present perfect to talk about
                                                                    and skateboarding is free! He      (visit) many small
                 present / past  experiences at unspecified times.
                                                                    towns on his trip. He      (not visit) many cities
                                                                    and he      (not stay) in hotels. ‘I      (write) some
            2   Copy and complete the table with the past           articles about this amazing journey,’ says Jed. ‘Lots

               participle form of these verbs.                      of people       (read) them and they say they
                                                                      (enjoy) them. I      (not feel) lonely at all on this trip
                arrive  do   eat     feel     go      have          because I      (meet) lots of people on the road!’
            read     sail    say     start    stop    visit
            watch    win     write
                   Regular           Irregular
                   arrived           felt
                    3   Make sentences with the Present perfect.
                  1   her journey / take / 210 days
                     Her journey has taken 210 days.
                   2  he / not sail / across the Pacific Ocean     5   Look at the notes. What has/hasn’t Jed
                   3  we / not read / about Jessica before          done today?
                   4  I / arrive / on the island                      Jed hasn’t called his friends.
                   5  you / travel / around the world!
                   6  he / not write / a book about the rainforest
                   7  she / win / an award
                   8  they / visit / the desert in Australia            call my friends           eat a pizza

                 9  I / not visit / Paris

               10  We / see / the new Orlando Bloom film                watch TV         visit the city
                                                                        take photos      write my blog

                                                                        read a book        travel 140 kilometres

                                                                  6  What about you?  In pairs, say what you have
                                                                    or haven’t done today.
                                                                           I’ve called my friends, but I
                                                                          haven’t taken any photos.
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