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Unit 8
           Writing  An informal email

           1   Read the Writing File.                           3   Read the email again. Are the sentences true
                                                                   (T) or false (F)?
        Writing File Informal emails                                 1  Jamie is camping alone.   F
                                                                     2  This week he had kayaking lessons.
                  When you write an email to a friend                3  Jamie forgot his compass.
                or someone in your family, use these                 4  He has put his sun cream and sun hat in his tent.
                informal beginnings   and endings.

                                                                  4   Read the advertisement. Imagine you are
                H  Beginnings                                      at  Beach Camp . Answer the questions.
                     Dear …                                        Make notes.
                     Hello …
                     Hi …
                H  Endings                                          Beach camp!
                   Bye for now.
                     Lots of love.
                   See you soon.                                Activities on offer are: day trip to Rock Island,
                                                                sailing in Yellow Sands Bay, volleyball or
                                                                 football on Yellow Sands beach.

              2   Read the email. Answer the questions.          !  Remember your suncream and sun hat!
               1  Who is Jamie writing to?
               2  How does he begin his email?
               3  How does he end his email?                         1  Where are you?
                                                                     2  Which activities have you done this week?
          New Message                                                3  What did you do yesterday?
                                                                     4  What are you doing today?
                                                                5   Write an email to a friend. Use ‘My email’ and
                                                                   your notes from Exercise 4.
          Subject: Asturias!                     Send
                                                                     My email
             Dear Mum
             I’m having a great time in Asturias with my friends.    Dear / Hello / Hi
           The school campsite is near a lake in the mountains         1  Name of camp and activities
           and there are lots of sports to do here. This week I’ve       Beach Camp is great! This year the camp is
           had kayaking lessons and I’ve climbed Picu Urriello.            ( where? ).  There are lots of    ( what? ).
             Yesterday we went for a long walk. We took a map          This week I    ( things you have done ).
           and a compass and we walked through a valley. It                2  What you did yesterday
           was a hot day, but I forgot to take my sun hat. When I          Yesterday we    ( activity ).  It was    ( fun /
           got back to my tent, I had a very red face!                 interesting / boring ).  When I got back to the
             Today I’m going swimming. Don’t worry, I’ve put my        camp,    ( what happened? )
           sun cream and my sun hat in my rucksack already!              3  What you are doing today

             Lots of love                                                  Today I    (activity) .
                          Add Attachments

             Jamie                                                     Bye for now / Lots of love /  See you soon
                                                                        Use informal email beginnings and endings.
                                                                        Use the vocabulary in this unit.
                                                                        Check your grammar, spelling and
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