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Grammar   a/an, some  and  any                    Quantity

            Countable nouns       Uncountable nouns              Countable nouns        Uncountable nouns
            Affirmative                                          How many apples are    How much money is
                                                                 there?                 there?
              I’ve (have) got     I’ve (have) got some money.

            an  apple  / some  apples.                           There are  a lot of  apples. There’s (is)  a lot of  money.

            Negative                                               There   aren’t (are not)     There   isn’t (is not) much
                                                                 many apples.           money.
              I haven’t (have not) got    I haven’t (have not) got
            an apple/ any  apples.    any  money.                    There are  a few  apples.        There’s (is)  a little  money.
                                                                  Grammar reference Workbook page 102
            Have you got          Have you got  any money?
              a n apple/ any  apples?                                             5   Study the grammar table. Match the sentence
                                                                    halves to make rules.
                                                                      1  We use  much  and  many
            Grammar reference Workbook page 102
                                                                      2  We use  a lot of
                            1   Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
                                                                      3  We use  many  and  a few
               options to complete the rules.
                                                                      4  We use  much  and  a little
                 1  We use  a / an  before singular countable nouns     a  in affirmative sentences.
                 starting with a vowel sound.                         b  in negative sentences and questions.
                 2  We use  a / some  before uncountable nouns.       c  with uncountable nouns.
                 3  We use  some / any  in affirmative sentences.     d  with countable nouns.
                 4  We use  some / any  in negative sentences and
                                                                  6   Choose the correct options.

                                                                      1  My baby brother’s got  a few  /  a little   hair.
            2   Are these nouns countable (C) or uncountable (U)?     2  There are  a lot of / much  lights in this room.

                                                                      3  There isn’t  many / much  sports equipment in
              advice  U  building  car  child  citizen  food
                                                                       this gym.
            hair       help      job   place   work
                                                                      4  There are  a few / a little  restaurants in that street.
                                                                      5 There’s  a few / a little  furniture in the shop.
                   3   Choose the correct options.
                 1  There weren’t  some  /  any  people at the park.     7   Make questions with  much  or  many .
                 2  Does she drive  a / an  electric car?             1  your mum / give you / advice about studying?
                 3  My grandmother cooked  any / some  food for us.       Does your mum give you much advice about
                     4  Can we see  an / a  show?                      studying?
               5   There isn’t  some   / any  information on this website.
                                                                      2  your dad / ask / questions / about school?
                 6  Did you visit  some / any  nice places on holiday?
                                                                      3  your teachers / give / you / homework?
                                                                      4  you / play / computer games / in your free time?
            4   Complete the sentences with  a/an ,  some  or  any .
                                                                      5  you / watch / TV programmes?
                 1 He’s  a  police officer.
                 2  I can’t do this. I need   help.               8  What about you?  In pairs, ask and answer the
                 3  We haven’t eaten   food today.                  questions in Exercise 7.
                 4 There are   people in the sea.
                 5  Have you got   advice for me?
                 6 Is she   engineer?                                 Does your mum give you much
                 7  I didn’t know   children at the party.
                                                                          advice about studying?
                 8  Have you got   tickets for the concert?                                      Yes, she does.
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