Page 103 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 103

5   Look back at the conversation. Who says          Grammar  Indefinite pronouns
               1  Well done, Zak!  Nadia
                                                               People                  Things
               2 Sorry, mate.
               3 That’s terrible!                              There’s (is)  someone  there. There’s (is)  something  there.
               4  What a shame!                                    There  isn’t (is not)       There  isn’t (is not)
               5 Honestly!                                     anyone  there./There’s (is)  anything  there./There’s (is)

             6  It doesn’t matter.
                                                                 no one  there.          nothing  there.
                                                                     Is there   anyone  there?         Is there   anything  there?
           6   Read the phrases for reacting to bad news,
             neutral news and good news.                         I can see everyone.     I can see everything.
                 Bad           Neutral         Good              Grammar reference Workbook page 102
              What a shame!  Oh well.       Well done!          1   Study the grammar table. Match the sentence
                                                                   halves to make rules.
              That’s terrible!  It doesn’t matter.  That’s brilliant!
                                                                    1  We use  someone ,  everyone ,  anyone  and  no one
                                                                    2  We use  something ,  everything ,  anything
           7    3.33  Listen to the conversations. In pairs,        and  nothing
             act out the conversations.                             3  We use  anything  and  anyone

                 Nadia  What’s the matter ?                         4  We use  someone, something, everyone,
                 Jody   I ’ve dropped juice  on my new shirt .      everything, no one  and  nothing
                 Nadia   What a shame!                              a  to talk about things.
                                                                    b  to talk about people.
                 Zak   I   lost the tennis match !
                                                                    c  in affirmative sentences.
                 Nadia   Oh well.  It doesn’t matter.
                                                                    d  in questions and negative sentences.
                 Carlos  Hey, how are you?

                 Zak   Good! Guess what? I    came first in
                    the race  !                                 2   Choose the correct options.
             Carlos  Really?  That’s brilliant!                      1  I’m hungry. Let’s buy  something / anything  to eat.

                                                                     2  He is funny.  Anyone /   Everyone   laughs at his jokes.
           8   Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in         3 Is  anyone / anything  coming to the football match?
             Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own             4  I haven’t got  something / anything   in my bag.

             ideas. Act out the conversations.                       5  We all want our team to win.  Anyone /   No one
                                                                       wants the other team to win.
                                                                     6  There’s  someone / everyone  at the front door.
               What’s the matter?
                                                                     7 There’s  anything / nothing  in the box. It’s empty.
                                                                     8  Let’s put  nothing / everything  in the cupboard.
                                 I’ve broken my
                                  glasses.                           It will be safe there.
                                                                3   Complete the text with these words.
                 That’s terrible!
                                                                  anything  anything   everyone     everything
                                                                no one      someone    something

                                                                   We had a great time at the park yesterday.
                                                                   1                           2

               1   break my glasses / get 100% in the exam  /        Everyone  in the class came.      brought a ball
               lose my mobile phone / lose my MP3 player /         and we played football.      scored a goal – the
               win the match / win a competition                   score was 0–0 – but we enjoyed the game.  We
                                                                   took sandwiches, fruit and cake with us. We didn’t
                                                                   buy     ; we made all the food at home. We were
                                                                   hungry, so we ate    .  In the evening, we put all
                                                                   our litter in the bins. We didn’t leave      on the
                                                                   grass.   Let’s do      nice again next weekend!

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