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Literature File

                                                        Fact File

                                                         Author         From
                                                       Johanna Spyri       Hirzel, Switzerland
                                                         Born           Died
                                                       1827               1901
                                                         Book title  Heidi
                                                       P ublished in 1880 in German and in over forty languages.

                                                      Story summary

                                                         Heidi is a young Swiss girl. Her mother and father are dead.
                                                       One day she goes to stay with her grandfather. He lives alone
                                                       in a small wooden house in the Swiss mountains.
                                                         Heidi makes a new friend called Peter on the mountain.
                                                       Peter is a goatherd. He takes the goats up the mountain every
                                                       morning, and he gives the goats food and cares for them.
                                                       Heidi loves living with her grandfather. He makes furniture for
                                                       her from wood. But one day, Heidi’s aunt arrives. She works
                                                       in the city of Frankfurt. She takes Heidi to live in Frankfurt
                                                       with a girl called Clara. Clara lives in a big house in the city,
                                                       but she is ill and cannot walk and she feels lonely. Heidi likes
                                                       Clara and Clara’s grandmother teaches Heidi to read. But
                                                       Heidi really wants to go and live in the Swiss mountains again.
                                                       When she goes to live with her grandfather again, she teaches
                                                       Peter to read. When Clara comes to visit her, she helps to
                                                       make Clara well again.

           Reading                                              My Literature File

         1   Read the fact file quickly. Answer the questions.   3     Think about a book you have read. Make
               1  Who wrote  Heidi ?                               notes for a fact file and a story summary.
               2  Where is the author from?                        Think about:
                                                                     F  >2/ +?>29< +8. A2/</ 2/ =2/ 3= 0<97
           2    3.38  Read the story summary. Answer                 F  >2/ -2+<+->/<=
             the questions.                                          F  >2/ :6+-/= >2/ -2+<+->/<= 63@/ +8. A9<5
               1  Where does Heidi’s grandfather live?               F  +8C :<9,6/7= >2/ -2+<+->/<= 2+@/
                 He lives in the Swiss mountains.
                                                                4   Write a fact file about the author and a story
               2  What’s Peter’s job?                              summary. Add photos or pictures. Use your
               3  Where does Heidi’s aunt work?                    notes from Exercise 3 to help you.
               4  Why is Clara lonely?
               5  Who teaches Heidi to read?
               6  How does Heidi help Peter?
               7  How does Heidi help Clara?

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