Page 102 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 102


            Speaking and Listening
                                                                    Zak   Goal!
                                                                    Nadia       Well done, Zak! You’ve become really good!
            1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
                                                                    Carlos   You should be in the football team. Then we
                 1  Where do you think the friends are?                   can practise together in the holidays.
                 2  What are the boys doing?                        Zak   Sorry, mate. I’m not going to be here
                 3  What has Zak done?                                    this summer.
                                                                    Nadia     That’s terrible! Why not?
            2     3.32   Listen and read the conversation.
                                                                    Zak   Well, my dad’s an engineer and he’s going
               Check your answers.
                                                                          to Chicago for his job. I’m going with him.
                                                                    Nadia     When are you coming back?
            3    3.32  Listen and read again. Answer the
                                                                    Zak   I’m not sure, but it’ll be before school starts.
                                                                    Jody   Oh well. Now come and have something to
                 1  Has Zak always been a good football player?           eat before Carlos eats everything.
                   No, he hasn’t.                                   Zak     Is there any cake?
                 2  What does Carlos want to do in the holidays?       Jody     Um … no, there isn’t.
                 3  Where is Zak going this summer?                 Nadia     What a shame! Carlos, did you eat it all?
                 4  How does Nadia feel about this?                 Carlos     No! Maybe … Yes.
                 5  When is Zak coming back to England?             Jody   Honestly, Carlos!
                 6  Who has eaten the cake?                     Zak       It doesn’t matter.

            4   Act out the conversation in groups of four.
                                                                      Say it in your language …
                                                                        Sorry, mate.

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