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P. 106

R   efr    es   h Y     o  ur M        e  m    ory!
            Refresh Your Memory!

           Grammar Review                                        Vocabulary Review

           1   Choose the correct options.                       4   Match these words to the sentences.
                 1  Have you got  an /   any / a few  orange jacket?
                                                                  architect        engineer     fashion designer
                 2  I don’t make  many / a little / much  money.   fitness instructor   lifeguard   nurse
                3  I can’t find  a lot / any / an  information about
                 the topic.

                4  Can I have  a little / a few / many  apple juice?     1  I build roads and bridges.’  engineer
                5  There were  many / little / a few  students in     2  ‘I design buildings.’

                 the classroom.                                      3  I work at the beach in summer.’

                 6  She hasn’t got  an / many / much   friends     4  ‘I design the most beautiful clothes in the world.’
                 at school.                                          5  ‘I work with doctors at the hospital.’
                 7  We bought  much / many / lots   of  food.        6  ‘I work with people at the gym all day.’
                8   Some / Any / A lot   jobs are dull, but others
                 are fascinating.                                5   Match these adjectives to the definitions.
                9  Harry has got a beard, but he hasn’t got       dangerous   dull      fascinating    relaxing
                   a few / a little / much  hair.               satisfying     varied   well-paid
               10  Do you do  any / some / much  interesting
                                                                     1  You do different things every day.   varied
           2   Complete the sentences with these words.              2  This job makes you happy.
                                                                     3  You make a lot of money in this job.
             anyone   anything     anything     everyone             4  You learn things and it makes you think.
           no one      someone     something                         5  This job can kill you!
                                                                     6  You do the same things all the time.
               1  A   There’s  someone  in the house. Call the police!      7  This job is calm and quiet.

                 B   Don’t be silly! There’s   here. Only you
                   and me.                                       Speaking Review

               2  A  I’m not hungry. I don’t want   to eat.
                 B   But you must eat   . You haven’t eaten               6   3.36  Complete the conversations with
                   all day.                                        these words. Then listen and check.
               3  A   Can you hear a strange noise in the kitchen?
                                                                  That’s brilliant!    That’s terrible!    Oh well.
                 B  No, I can’t hear   .

               4  A  Where is   ?
                                                                       Lily     What’s the matter, Matt?
                 B   They’re all outside. There isn’t   in the house.
                                                                       Matt     I can’t find my mobile phone.
           3   Rewrite the sentences with indefinite pronouns.         Lily           That’s terrible!  Can I do anything to help?
               1  All the students  in our class liked the new teacher.       Sam     Guess what? I’m going to New York.
                 Everyone in our class liked the new teacher.          Julia   2      Lucky you!

               2  Paul liked  all his birthday presents .              Lucy   ’m bored. I’ve got a lot of homework tonight.
               3  I knew  none of the people  in the room .            Ella   3     ’ve got a lot of homework, too!
               4  I didn’t see  any friends  at the cinema.
               5  There was  no food  in the kitchen.
                                                                 7    3.37  Listen and write in your notebook.

                                                               9   My assessment profile: Workbook page 135

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