Page 104 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 104


            1   Look at the photos. Answer the questions.
                 1  What are the people doing?
                 2  Why do you think they are doing it?        Forget babysitting!

           OK, OK, it’s true. Looking after the neighbour’s baby isn’t the most
         stimulating job in the world. But what other work can a teenager do?
             House cleaning                      Pet care                       Cooking
            Busy people don’t have much time for     Do your neighbours have pets? Yes?     Are you a good cook? Some people come
          housework, so you can offer to clean   Then you’re in luck! Talk to them and   home late in the evening. They’re tired
          their house or tidy their garage.   offer to walk their dog, clean out the fi sh   and they don’t want to cook. You can
                                             tank or feed their cat. You can even look   offer to have dinner ready for them. You
            People always need help in the garden.   after their pet when they go on holiday.    can also sell cakes to your neighbours.
          In spring you can plant fl owers, in       Teaching computing              Helping with homework
          summer you can water and cut the lawn,     Some older people can’t use a computer.   Are you good at music, a foreign
          in autumn you can sweep dead leaves   Remember - they probably didn’t have a   language, or Maths? Then you can help
          and in winter you can shovel snow.  computer when they were children. You   younger children with their homework.
                                             can make money teaching them to use
                Car cleaning
            You can wash people’s cars weekly   their computers.                                     Key Words
          or monthly.
                                                                                stimulating  water  (v)  lawn
                                                                                sweep       shovel    foreign
            2   Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.
            3    3.34  Read the article again. Who do you             Listening
               think the text is for?
                 1 busy people                                    1    3.35  Listen to a radio show about summer
                 2 teenagers                                        jobs. Which topics does Tim talk about?
                 3 parents
                                                                      1  Where he works.
            4    3.34  Read the article again. Answer the                 2  What he does.
               questions.                                             3  What time he starts and finishes work.
                                                                      4  How much money he makes.
                 1  Does the writer of the article think babysitting is     5  What the job gives him.
                 an interesting job?    No, he/she doesn’t.           6  His favourite thing about his job.
                 2  What kind of people don’t have time to tidy
                 their garage?                                    2    3.35  Listen again. Choose the correct answer.
                 3  What job can you do in a garden in spring?
                                                                      1  Tim is
                 4  What job can you do in a garden in autumn?
                                                                        a fifteen.   b  sixteen.     c seventeen.
                 5  What can you do when your neighbours go
                 on holiday?                                          2  He has worked at Wisehaven pool for
                 6  Why can’t some old people use a computer?          a two summers. b two months.  c two years.
                 7  Why don’t some people want to cook in             3  The job is never
                 the evening?                                           a stressful.   b busy.     c  dull.

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