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P. 101

Unit 9
               Vocabulary  Adjectives describing jobs

           1    3.31  Match the pictures to these words. Then listen, check     2   Choose the correct options.
             and repeat.
                                                                                      1  Ursula is an artist. Painting
                                                                                     pictures is   creative / stressful .
            creative  1  dangerous     dull      fascinating    relaxing
                                                                                      2  Tom’s a stunt man. His job is
          satisfying    stressful      tiring    varied         well-paid
                                                                                       dull / dangerous.
                                                                                      3  Ana works fifteen hours a
                                                                                     day. Her job is  relaxing / tiring.
           Word list page 111     Workbook page 112
                                                                                      4  I learn new things every day.
        1                      2                      3                              My job is  fascinating / creative.

                                                                                       5  He’s a yoga teacher. It’s
                                                                                       tiring / relaxing .
                                                                                      6  I do the same thing every day.
                                                                                     It’s fascinating  / dull .
                                                                                     7  I work with children. It’s

                                                                                       satisfying / dangerous
                                                                                      8  Kathy is a famous actress.
                                                                                     Her job is  well-paid / dull .
                                                                                      9  People phone me all the time.
                                                                                     My job is  creative / stressful.
        4                      5                      6                             10  I do different things every
                                                                                     day. It’s  varied / well-paid .

                                                                                3   Work in pairs. Student A
                                                                                  thinks of a job and describes
                                                                                  it. Student B guesses the job.
                                                                                  Then change roles.

                                                                                 It’s a creative job.
                                                                                 I design buildings.

        7                      8                      9
                                                                                             You’re an architect!

                                                                                Correct! Your turn!

                                                                                     Brain Trainer Activity 4
                                                                                     Go to page 120

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