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            Refresh Your Memory!
                                        ur M
                             h Y
               Grammar Review                                    Vocabulary Review
           1   Complete the sentences with the Present           5   Complete the sentences with these words.
             perfect form of these verbs.
                                                                   beach      desert      island        lake
             help  make   play   take  use  visit                mountain     ocean       rainforest    river

                 1 Paul  has played   football with his friends.      1  The Amazon  rainforest  is in South America.
               2 Lucy   some photos of her cat.                      2  The Sahara is the biggest   in the world.
               3  Mark and Sarah   their grandparents’ house.        3  The Pacific is the largest   in the world.
               4 I   my dad with his work in the shop.               4  Everest, the world’s highest   , is in Nepal.

               5 You   a new friend on the internet today.           5     Titicaca is between Peru and Bolivia.
               6 We   our dictionaries at school today.              6 The   Thames is in England.
                                                                   7   Madagascar is a large   in the Indian Ocean.
           2   Make the sentences in Exercise 1 negative.            8 Copacabana   is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

               1 Paul  hasn’t played   football with his friends.
                                                                 6   Complete the sentences with these words.
           3   Complete the questions and answers.
                                                                   bag campfire  guidebook  spray   sun  walking

               1   Has he finished  (he / finish) reading his sports
                magazine?       Yes, he has.

                                                                     1  It’s hot. You should take your  sun  hat  with you.
               2    (they / watch) the skateboarding competition?
                                                                     2  Insects are biting me!’ ‘You should use insect   .’
               3    (she / climb) a mountain?
                                                                     3  Let’s cook some burgers on the   .
               4    (the film / start)?
               5    (they / visit) the rainforest?                   4  Oh no! There’s a snake in my sleeping   !
               6    (you / bring) that DVD about the Amazon?         5  Put on your   boots and let’s go up the mountain.
                                                                     6  We can read about the town in the   .
           4   Complete the text with the Present perfect.
               Sixteen-year-old Abby Sunderland     has sailed     Speaking Review
               (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean, but she      (not

             finish) her trip around the world.   Davo Karnicar     7   3.25  Complete the conversation with these
             from Slovenia      (climb) Mount Everest. He          words. Then listen and check.
               (go) skiing down it at   ninety kilometres an hour, too!
               Alicia Hempleman-Adams, her father and three        accident   careful   don’t  mean  wait
             other travellers      (walk) to the Arctic.   They

               (travel) across snow and ice and they      (feel) the   1
                                                                       A       Careful ! You’ve deleted my homework!
             cold Arctic winds on   their faces, but they      (not                     2
                                                                       B     I’m sorry. It was an      .
             see) any penguins! (Penguins live in the Antarctic!)       A   That’s OK.      worry.       a minute! You’ve



                                                                       taken my dictionary.
                                                                       B     I’m sorry. I didn’t      to.
                                                                 8    3.26  Listen and write in your notebook.
                                                                9  My assessment profile: Workbook page 134
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