Page 91 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 91

Unit 8
           Vocabulary  Camping

           1    3.18   Match the items in the picture to        3   Complete the sentences with the words in
             these words. Then listen, check and repeat.           Exercise 1.
                                                                       1  Let’s read about the island in  the guidebook .
            campfire  compass   guidebook    insect spray
          map        rucksack     sleeping bag   sun cream             2  You’ve got a red nose! Put some   on.
                                                                      3  There are a lot of insects here. Where’s the   ?
          sun hat    tent  1    torch        walking boots
                                                                      4  Let’s find the town on the   . Look! Here it is.
                                                                      5  It’s hot today. You should wear a   .
                                                                      6  ‘I can’t find my compass.’ ‘Is it in your    ?’
           Word list page 111     Workbook page 111
                                                                      7  It’s dark and I can’t see. Where’s the   ?
                                                                      8  ‘My feet hurt.’ ‘Take your   off.’
                       1                                             9  ‘Which way should we go?’ ‘I don't know.
                                                                      Use the   .’
                                                                   10  I'm tired. I need to sleep. Can you help me
                           2                                          put the   up.’
                                                                Pronunciation  Syllables
                                                                4a     3.19  Listen and repeat the words.
                             6                        10
                                  7                                  1 tent     2 sun hat   3 walking boots
                                                                  b  Copy the table and put these words in
                                                9                    the correct column.

                                                                  campfire         compass        guidebook
                                                                  insect spray     map            rucksack
                                                                  sleeping bag     sun cream      torch

                                                                         tent   sun hat     walking boots

           2   Match the words in Exercise 1 to the sentences.      c     3.20  Listen, check and repeat.
                 1  You sleep inside this.   sleeping bag
                 2  You use it to keep insects away from you.
                 3  You wear these on your feet when you walk.
                4  You read this to learn about places you visit.   5   What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
                 5  You use this to find north, south, east and west.   1  Do you go camping? Why?/Why not?
                 6  You use this to find the road to a place.      2  What do you take on holiday? Why?
                 7  You use this to see at night.
                 8  You use this to keep warm and you also cook
                food over it.                                        Do you go camping?
                 9  You go into this when it is windy, rainy or cold.
               10  You use this to carry things.                                       Yes, I do. I go camping
               11  You put this on your head on a hot day.                                 with my family.
               12  You need this to stop the sun burning you.

                                                                     Brain Trainer Activity 4
                                                                     Go to page 119

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