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8               Adventure

            Grammar     Present perfect : affirmative, negative and questions
            Vocabulary   The natural world; Camping
            Speaking     Apologising                                                           2
            Writing     An informal email                            1

            Vocabulary  The natural world
            1    3.16  Match the pictures to these words.
               Then listen, check and repeat.
              beach     desert        glacier    island
            lake        mountain      ocean  1   rainforest
            river       sea           valley     waterfall

            Word list page 111     Workbook page 111
              2   Choose the correct options.
                   1  The Amazon  rainforest  /  lake  is in South
                  America.                                       6                             7
                  2  The Sahara is the biggest  valley  /  desert  in
                  the world.
                   3  The Pacific is the largest  sea / ocean  in the world.
                   4  Everest, the world’s highest  mountain / glacier
                  is in Nepal.
                   5   Lake / Island  Titicaca is on the border                           9
                  between Peru and Bolivia.
                   6 The  River / Waterfall  Thames is in England.
                   7  The Perito Moreno  beach / glacier  is a tourist
                  attraction in Patagonia.
                   8  The Mediterranean  Sea / River  is between
                  Southern Europe and North Africa.             10                       11
                   9  Yosemite  Island / Valley  is in the Sierra Nevada
                  mountains in California.
                 10  Niagara Falls is a big  mountain / waterfall
                  between Canada and the USA.
                 11  Madagascar is a very large  island / desert  in
                  the Indian Ocean.                                                12
                 12  Copacabana  rainforest / beach  is in Rio de
                  Janeiro, Brazil.

            3   In pairs, how many places do you know?
               1 mountains  The Alps
               2 rivers
               3 islands
               4 oceans                                                 Brain Trainer Activity 3
                                                                        Go to page 119

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