Page 92 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 92


            Speaking and Listening
                                                                    Zak     Have you seen my holiday photos?
                                                                    Carlos   No, we haven’t. We’ve seen photos of your
            1   Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
                                                                         band but not holiday photos.
                 1   What do you think Carlos, Zak and Nadia        Zak   Well, this is the Arizona desert. We stayed
                 are doing?                                              at a campsite there last year.
                 2  What do you think has happened?                 Carlos     Hey, Nadia! Check out this photo!
                                                                    Nadia     Is … Is that a snake?!
            2     3.21   Listen and read the conversation.          Zak   Yup!
               Check your answers.
                                                                    Nadia     Oh. Where was it?
            3     3.21   Listen and read again. Answer              Zak     I found it in my tent!
               the questions.                                       Carlos   Wow! Who’s the girl in  this  photo? She’s
                                                                         really nice! Is she your girlfriend?
                 1  Which desert did Zak visit last year?
                                                                    Nadia     Can I see? Oh!
                   The Arizona Desert
                                                                    Carlos   For goodness’ sake, Nadia! Have you
                 2  Where did Zak stay?                                  deleted the photo?
                 3  Where was the snake?                            Nadia   Yes I have. I’m really sorry, Zak. I didn’t
                 4  Does Nadia delete the photo of the snake?            mean to.
                 5  Does she delete the photo of the girl?          Zak     Don’t worry. These things happen.
                 6  Who was the girl in the photo?                  Nadia     So is she your girlfriend?
                                                                    Zak     No! She’s my cousin Nicole.
            4   Act out the conversation in groups of three.

                                                                      Say it in your language …
                                                                        Check out this …
                                                                      For goodness’ sake!

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