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9               World Of Work

                                      orld Of W

            Grammar         a/an , some/any ; Quantity;  Indefinite pronouns
            Vocabulary   Jobs; Adjectives describing jobs
                                                                1                 2                 3
            Speaking     Reacting
            Writing     A questionnaire

            Vocabulary  Jobs

            1    3.28  Listen and repeat. Then match the
                                                                4                 5                 6
               photos to twelve of these jobs.
              architect   bus driver        electrician
            engineer      fashion designer  fitness instructor
            hairdresser   lawyer            lifeguard 1
            nurse           police officer   shop assistant
            waiter        web designer

                                                                7                8                  9
            Word list page 111     Workbook page 112
            2   Which jobs in Exercise 1 are not in the photos?
          3    Who …
                   1  cuts people’s hair?   a hairdresser
                   2 designs buildings?
                   3 designs clothes?
                   4  builds roads and bridges?
                   5 designs websites?
                                                               10                11                12
                   6 drives buses?
                   7  gives advice to people about the law?
                   8  helps customers in a shop?
                   9  saves people in the water?
                 10  serves food and drinks in a restaurant?
                 11  works in a hospital?
                 12  works in a police station?
                 13  repairs electrical equipment?
                 14  teaches people to exercise?
          4     In pairs, ask and answer. Which jobs in              Pronunciation  Schwa  Ȫ
               Exercise 1 …
                                                                     5    3.29  Listen and repeat. Pay attention
                 1  help people?
                                                                       to the  Ȫ  sound in these words.
                 2  use special equipment?
                 3  make new things?                                     bus driver    electrician   engineer
                                                                       hairdresser  lawyer        waiter

                   Which jobs
                   help people?   Lifeguards help
                                      people.                           Brain Trainer Activity 3
                                                                        Go to page 120

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