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Word list

              Unit 7  Make Music                                       river                 ۉÚYȪ
                                                                       sea                   VLڴ
                Music                                                  valley                ۉY OL
                   album                ۉ OEȪP                         waterfall             ۉZƥڴWȪIƥڴO
                     CD release          ۈVLڴ ۉGLڴ ÚۈOLڴV
                 composer               NȪPۉSȪօ]Ȫ                    Camping
                   concert              ۉNĴQVȪW                        campfire              ۉN PSID́Ȫ
                   digital music         ۈǴǴٕWO ۉPMXڴ]́N             compass               ۉNֺPSȪV
                   download             ۈGDօQۉOȪօG                     guidebook             ۉʪD́GEօN
                   hit                  ḰW                            insect spray           ۉ́QVHNW ۈVSUH́
                   playlist             ۉSOH́ÓVW                      map                   P S
                   pop chart             ۉSĴS WԙđڴW                    rucksack              ۉUֺNV N
                   radio station         ۉUH́GLȪօ ۈVWH́ԙȪQ             sleeping bag           ۉVOLڴŚІ E ʪ
                   singer               ۉV́ІȪ                          sun cream              ۉVֺQ NULڴP
                   track                WU N                           sun hat                ۉVֺQ K W
                                                                       tent                  WHQW
                Musical instruments                                    torch                 WƥڴWԙ
                                                                       walking boots          ۉZƥڴŃІ EXڴWV
                   drums                GUֺP]
                   guitar               ʪ́ۉWđڴ
                   keyboard             ۉNLڴEƥڴG                   Unit 9  World Of Work
                   piano                SLۉ QȪօ
                   saxophone            ۉV NVȪIȪօQ                   Jobs
                   violin               ۈYD́ȪۉÓQ
                                                                       architect             ۉđڴNȪWHNW
                                                                       bus driver             ۉEֺV ۈGUD́YȪ
                Types of music
                                                                       electrician           ۈHÓNۉWÚԙȪQ
                   classical            ۉNO V́NȪO                      engineer              ۈHQGٕȪۉQ́Ȫ
                   country              ۉNֺQWUL                        fashion designer       ۉI ԙȪQ Ǵۈ]D́QȪ
                   heavy metal            ۈKHYL ۉPHWO                  fitness instructor     ۉÍWQȪV ́QۈVWUֺNWȪ
                   hip hop               ۉḰS KĴS                      hairdresser           ۉKHȪۈGUHVȪ
                   jazz                 Gٕ ]                           lawyer                ۉOƥڴMȪ
                   opera                ۉĴSȪUȪ                         lifeguard             ۉOD́IʪđڴG
                   pop                  SĴS                            nurse                 QȶڴV
                   rap                  U S                            police officer          SȪۉOLڴV ۈĴIȪVȪ
                   reggae               ۉUHʪH́                         shop assistant         ۉԙĴS ȪۈV́VWȪQW
                   rock                 UĴN                            waiter                ۉZH́WȪ
                   techno               ۉWHNQȪօ                        web designer           ۉZHE Ǵۈ]D́QȪ

              Unit 8  Adventure                                      Adjectives describing jobs
                                                                       creative              NULۉH́ẂY
                The natural world                                      dangerous             ۉGH́QGٕȪUȪV
                                                                     dull                    GֺO
                   beach                ELڴWԙ
                                                                     fascinating             ۉIĶV́QH́ẂІ
                   desert               ۉGH]ȪW
                   glacier              ۉʪO VLȪ                        relaxing              ÚۉO NV́І
                   island               ۉD́OȪQG                        satisfying             ۉV ẂVID́ ́І
                                                                       stressful             ۉVWUHVIȪO
                   lake                 OH́N
                                                                       tiring                ۉWD́ȪÚІ
                   mountain             ۉPDօQWȪQ
                                                                       varied                ۉYHȪULG
                   ocean                ۉȪօԙȪQ
                                                                       well-paid             ۈZHO ۉSH́G
                   rainforest           ۉUH́QIĴUȪVW

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