Page 115 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 115

Brain Trainer 4

          Spot the difference                                   Vocabulary

          1   Look at the photo on page 48 for one minute.      3   Read the phrases for two minutes. Cover the
            Now study this photo. What differences can             list and write the phrases in your notebook.
            you spot?                                              How many can you remember?

                                                                  spray graffiti    bully
                                                                be rude             fight
                                                                lie                 steal something
                                                                drop litter           use a mobile phone in class
                                                                cheat in an exam    copy someone’s homework
                                                                play loud music     play truant

                                                                4   Complete the sentences with the correct
                                                                   preposition of movement.

                                                                   a   The dog ran   around  the tree.    1

                                                                     b  She climbed  2     the ladder.

                                                                     c  They didn’t walk  3     the bridge.
                                                                     They walked  4     the bridge.

                                                                     d  The cat jumped  5     the wall.

                                                                     e  Lucy was taking the present  6    the box when
                                                                     her mum walked  7     the room.

                                                                     f  Dad was climbing  8    the ladder when the cat
                                                                       ran  9     the road.
                                                             2            3           4               5
          2   Look at the picture for two minutes, then
            cover it. Now say a square. Your partner says
            what the person was doing.
                                                             6           7               8            9
                           The old men were




                   a                     b                    c                  d

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