Page 120 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 120

Brain Trainer 9

             Spot the difference                                       Vocabulary

             1   Look at the photo on page 102 for one minute.   3    Look at the pictures. Can you guess what the
                Now study this photo. What differences can            jobs are? You have two minutes.
                you spot?                                             a  waiter

                                                                            a                  b           c


             Grammar                                               f                                   g

             2   Look at the picture. Work out the fewest
                number of moves to get from A to B. Use the
                rules below to help you.
                  Rule 1:  You can’t put a larger ring on a smaller ring.
                  Rule 2: You can only move one ring at a time.    h                          i


                       have got

                      some money
                                              I                  4     In pairs, take turns to choose a letter. Your
                                                                      partner has to say a job or an adjective
                                                                      describing a job beginning with that letter. The
                  B                                                   winner is the first to get three letters in a row.
                                    I                                     A  S     F       D    T     W

                                 have got
                                some money                              V    L    W        F    P     H

                                                                        C    D     R       B     E    F

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