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P. 124

Culture                       4                     South Africa – Wildlife

             Reading                                                  Speaking
                                                                  Your culture
             1    3.42  Read about South Africa. What are         3   In pairs, answer the questions.
               the ‘Big Five’?                                         1  Which animals do you like?
             2    3.42  Read about South Africa again.                 2  Which animals are popular in your country?
               Answer the questions.                                   3  Are some animals becoming extinct in your
                 1  Which are the most dangerous animals in
                 South Africa?
                 2  Which animal spends more than 15 hours a      4   Write a short paragraph about animals in your
                                                                     country. Use your answers to Exercise 3 and
                 day resting?
                 3  Which animal doesn’t live in big groups and      the ‘Big Five’ examples to help you.
                 lives in different environments?
                 4  Which of the five animals eats grass?
                 5  Which animal is becoming extinct?

            1                                2                                3

            4                                                            2    Leopard
                                 Wildlife: The ‘Big Five’                Leopards live alone. They can run at 58 kilometres
                                                                         an hour and they are very good swimmers
                                                                         and climbers. They live in many different
                                 South Africa is home to 299 types of mammal   environments from the desert to the forest.
                               and over 850 types of bird. There are 20
                               national parks in South Africa. These parks      3   Lion
                               protect wild animals, plants and natural     Lions weigh around 250 kilograms. They are
                               environments. Many people visit these parks   very social and live in groups called ‘prides’.
                               to go on safari and see the animals. The most   They relax for around 20 hours a day!
                               famous animals in South Africa are the ‘Big
                                                                         4   Elephant
                               Five’ – the buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion
            5                                                              African elephants are four metres tall and weigh
                               and rhinoceros. They are some of the most   about 6.5 tons. They eat about 300 kilograms of
                               impressive animals in South Africa but also the   plants every day. Elephants are very intelligent
                               most dangerous.
                                                                         animals and have excellent memories.
                                1    Buffalo
                                                                         5    Rhinoceros
                                 Cape Buffalos are very dangerous animals.
                                                                           The horns on a rhinoceros are very valuable.
                               They weigh around 900 kilograms and are   Many people kill these animals to sell their
                               about 1.7 metres tall! They move in big groups
                                                                         horns. In some places rhinos are almost
                               and eat a lot of grass.
                                                                         extinct. Most rhinos weigh around one ton
                                                                         and are very dangerous.

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