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Culture                        2                      The USA – City Life

             Reading                                              Your culture

             1    3.40  Read about the USA. How many                3   In pairs, answer the questions.

               states are there in the USA?                            1  What is the largest city in your country?
             2    3.40  Read about the USA again. Answer               2  What is your favourite city in your country?
                                                                       3  What other cities do you know in Europe
               the questions.
                                                                       and the USA?
                 1 I s the USA a multicultural country? Why?
                 2  What is the capital of the USA?  Why is this city   4   Write a short paragraph about your favourite
                 important?                                          city in your country. Use your answers to
                 3  What’s the ‘Big Apple’?                          Exercise 3 and the USA examples to help you.
                 4  Which famous buildings are in New York?
                 5  What’s the weather like in LA?

           The USA

             The USA has 50 states and they are all
           different. There are many different kinds of
           climate, landscape, cities and culture in the
           USA.  People from all over the world live
           there. It is very multicultural.

            DC                                   I love NYC                       City of Angels
            Washington                         The ‘Big                         Los Angeles
          DC is the                          Apple’ has a                       (LA) is very
          capital of                         population                         multicultural.
          the USA.                           of 8.2 million                     People from
          It is a very                       people.                            all over the
          important                          The New                            world live,
          city. The President and his family   York skyline is very famous. It has   work and enjoy the good weather
          live in Washington DC in the White   some very tall buildings called   in LA. The city has many important
          House. The White House has         skyscrapers. The Empire State      centres of culture, science and
          tennis courts, a swimming pool     Building and the Chrysler building   technology and it is the movie
          and a cinema for the President’s   are very easy to recognise. The    capital of the world! You can see
          family. Inside the White House is   Statue of Liberty is in New York   the famous Hollywood sign in the
          the Oval Office. It is the offi ce of   Harbour. It was a present from the   hills of the city. You can also walk

          the President. Many leaders from   people of France to the USA. It is a   down Hollywood Boulevard and see
          around the world travel to the Oval   symbol of freedom and democracy.   the handprints of famous actors.
          Office to meet the President.

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