Page 114 - Next_Move_2_SB_
P. 114

Brain Trainer 3

             Spot the difference                                   Vocabulary

             1   Look at the photo on page 34 for one minute.      3   In pairs, look at the pictures. Say one history
                Now study this photo. What differences can            word about the picture. Your partner says
                you spot?                                             another history word about the picture.
                                                                  1                2                  3

                                                                          4                 5

                                                                   4   Match the timeline of Janet’s life (1-6) with the
                                                                      pictures (a-f).  Then complete the sentences.
             Grammar                                                    1 1947: a    Janet started  school.
                                                                          2  1960:   Janet went
             2   Make sentences with words of the same                  3 1963:   Janet
                colour.  Then make your own colour puzzle. In         4  1974:   Janet got
                pairs, complete your partner’s puzzle.                5  1978:   Janet
                You started school seven years ago.                   6  2012:   Janet

              You       We       were      seven     years       a                 b                 c
              night     ago      moved     born      You

              years     study   started    ago     fourteen

              last       I      watched   school     last
              You        TV    yesterday   didn’t    year

              year      night    leave      her     moved
                                                                 d                 e                 f
               did      We         a       They      last
             didn’t     He        last      big      the

            homework    city    mistake    She      made

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