Page 24 - Oct 2022
P. 24

Pound Hit s All-Time Low Against  Dollar

        According to Reuters, the pound sterling crashed almost 5% on September
        26th   to  hit  $1.0327.  This  is  its  lowest  rate  against  the  dollar  since
        decimalization in 1971 and follows an earlier drop of    3.61% after Britain?s
        new finance minister Kwasi Karteng announced historic tax cuts funded by
        massive state borrowing. The action was taken  in an attempt to put the
        brakes on runaway inflation in the UK.

        Borrowing includes  $78 billion coming  in just the next six months. Prime
        Minister Liz Truss, asked to form a government not yet three weeks ago by
        the  Queen Elizabeth II in her last official act of a 70 year reign as Britain's
        longest  serving  monarch,  has  taken  notable  criticism    for  launching  this
        bold plan just a day after the central bank hiked interest rates.

        Market strategist Marc Chandler described the plunge as ?incredible? and
        predicted an emergency Bank of England meeting. The Tories responded
        by  gathering  up  "loss  of  confidence"  letters  from  their  side  of  the  aisle.
        Beer  manufactures  warned  that  the  shrinking  pound,  combined  with
        inflation, would likely result in beer prices surging upward.

        For average folks, the price of a pint is easier to understand than the GDP.
        There  is  good  news  if  you  are  an  American   buying  auto  parts   coming
        Britain. They are about to become cheaper, although no easier to find for
        some models. Lower costs  for things that can not be found, regardless of
        price, remains problematic.

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