Page 26 - Oct 2022
P. 26

Above and Below:  Club dinners are back on the menu so 30 of our members made the trek to the Bavarian Bierhaus
                                                                                                                           for the first one of the year.  Food that sticks to you, plenty of suds, and a good time was clearly had by all.   If  you
                                                                                                                           missed it, plan to catch the next one.   photos by Todd Fontechia and Chip Hanback

                                                                 St rike up t he OOMpah Band!

                                                                   Club Dinners Make a Comeback

                                                              st art ing wit h Okt oberfest , Sept ember
                                                                   17t h,  at  t he Bavarian Bierhaus.

                                                                      (Check Out  t hat  double bell


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