Page 18 - April 2023
P. 18

First  Cars & ( Bring Your Own)  Coffee of 2023

                    was a  Frigid, Polar Bear Club, Affair

          If  you  were  anticipating  the  early  spring  weather  wore on,   winter weather wouldn't let go of its
          from the beginning  of March would  be present on  hold.  Sun,  meet  the  wind,  wind  meet  the
          March  18th  when  Cars  &  Coffee  returned  to  the  temperature,  and  enthusiasts,  welcome  to
          club  event  schedule  at  a  new  location,  the  Christ   WI ND CHI LL.
          Community  Church  in  Franklin,   you  were  in  for  a   At the old location  off Mallory  Lane in front of
          chilly reality.  It was 23 degrees Saturday morning,   the  theatre,  frosty  weather  merely  meant  a
          with a promise that Sunday morning, the 19th, was      quick  trot  across  the  asphalt  to  the welcoming
          going to be worse. The weather forecast said that      warmth  of a  McDonald's and its prize winning ,
          the projected  low temperature was going to match      law suit famous,  cups of  coffee-- now  requiring
          the date-- a frigid 19 degrees.                        printed warning labeling that --'Coffee is HOT".
          How  cold  was  it  on  Saturday?  Cold  enough  that   Who knew?
          Chip  Hanback,  the  keeper  of  the  cones  that  mark
                                                                 At  the  new  location  there  isn't  a  coffee  stand
          out   NBCC  territory,   didn't  get  any  photos  of  the
                                                                 anywhere in sight but,  the back parking lot,   out
          event.   He  was   wearing  gloves  and  couldn't
                                                                 where  the  Eskimos  gathered,   has  plenty  of
          manipulate  the  phone  camera,  although  he  did
                                                                 trees handy as wind breaks .  Unfortunately, the
          count  the  members  of  our  first  Polar  Bear  Club
                                                                 trees  missed  the  message  and  in   protective
          excursion.  Seven  hardy  souls,  including  one
                                                                 mode  hadn't  leafed  out  sufficiently  in  the
          non-member,  showed up, prepared to shiver in a
                                                                 previous warm weather  to provide any help  for
          good cause.
                                                                 the March   diehards who  gathered to talk cars
          Even when it got just a tad warmer as the morning      in a wind tunnel.

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