Page 24 - April 2023
P. 24

The Beast  cont inued from page 23                        Court.

                                                                Ruling  in  Rolls-Royce's  favor,  Dodd  was  also   fined
       Stories about the pranks that Dodd got up  to  with
                                                                £5000  for the tradmark  violation and was ordered to
      the car were legion; some of them may  have even
                                                                pay the same amount again in costs for ignoring the
      been true. Likely the best  was the story that a German
                                                                ruling and turning up two days later  at  a car show,
      baron  called Rolls-Royce to purchase a Beast of his
                                                                grille and mascot still firmly attached to the car.
      own after the original had passed his Porsche on the
      Autobahn as if  his own car were standing still.  The     Dodd filed and lost an appeal and was sentenced to
      caller of course was Dodd,  giving a raspberry to Rolls.   six months in prison for refusing to  pay up.  With a
                                                                warrant issued for his arrest,  Dodd went on the lam
         Rolls Ret urns t he Favor and Takes Dodd t o
                                                                to   Spain.   Andalusia   declined  to  extradite  him.  His
                              Court                             family and The Beast,  still in  the Dodd's possession

                                                                but now  shorn of its Rolls-Royce bits (  yet  bearing its
      In 1981 the double R  lawyers acting on behalf of the
                                                                official  British   registration  as  a  Rolls-Royce  auto)
      company issued a High-Court writ  charging Dodd with
                                                                followed shortly thereafter.
      trademark  infringement.  The  use  of  the   distinctive
      radiator cover  and  bonnet mascot  had finally come                         The Last  Laugh
      back to bite the flamboyant owner.  The case became
                                                                From his new base in Malaga, Dodd, unbowed,  ran a
      a  media  sensation  with  Dodd  showing  up   for  the
                                                                successful  transmission  repair  business,  frequently
      hearing in his large, unmistakably adorned car.
                                                                working,  ironically,   on   Rolls  automobiles,  and  he
      The rest of the story is best left to Dodd  to explain in   learned  to  windsurf.    The  locals  watched  The  Beast
      his own words, which he did in a 2016 story for  Classic   on   the  roads   for  many  years,   Dodd  behind  the
      Driver.                                                   wheel  and  the  car  still  touting  its  original  KPD  67K
                                                                plates.  The grille, however, now bore  the Initials JD in
       ?         I drove it to the hearing every day and parked right  an oversize font, and the Lady had taken flight.
      outside the court. The Rolls-Royce representatives parked
                                                                Dodd remained an ex pat until his death.   So, why did

      opposite in a Silver Spirit with the number plate ?RR 1??
                                                                he do it?
      funnily enough, they got towed away and I didn?.
                                                                Once  again  his  own  words  in  an  interview  to
             ?On  the  final  morning  of  the  trial,  my  lawyer   Nationwide tell the story most honestly: " The truth is, I
      sacked himself saying I was ridiculing the highest court in   wanted something different. The idea was to have a car
      the land. His last piece of advice was not to take the car   that could beat anything on earth [and] at the same time
      that day, otherwise it?d be confiscated and I?d never get it   run on the cheapest [two-star] petrol you could buy.? Not
      back.                                                     wanting  foreign  supercars  to  hog  the  limelight,  he
                                                                continued:  ?Cruise  at  200mph  and  beat  anything  else.
             ?They said I was behaving like a maverick. Perhaps
                                                                Make it all British.?
      1000 horsepower was a bit excessive, I thought, so I called
      a friend who had some stables in Hyde Park for a favour.  He  made  it  all  British  and  the  car  made  it  into  the
      Me,  my  wife  and  my  children  took  a  horse  each,  and  Guiness  Book  of  Records,  where  the   editors  wrote
      clip-clopped  to  the  doors  of  the  Courts  of  Justice  ?  that  about the most powerful road car in the world,  "  it
      caused a bigger sensation than the car had!?              exceeded 200mph (321.8km/h) on many occasions on
                                                                Continental roads.?
      Dodd's antics, including wearing a Rolls-Royce sweater
      to  court  and  numerous  interjections  during  the      Dodd  may  have  been  the   ultimate  British  car   nut,
      proceedings,  alienated his own  attorney and put the     but  it  was   an  American  singer  ,  Frank  Sinatra,  who
      judge in the case in the camp of   of the not amused      unknowingly  gave his story a sound track-" I Did It My
      where  he  joined  the  plaintiffs.  When  Dodd  lost  the   Way."
      case,  he  also  lost  his  house,  numerous  other                           Indeed he did.
      possessions and an airplane as fines for Contempt of
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