Page 6 - Jan2023
P. 6

December 10th, 2022, Men in Kilts,
    Holiday Sweater Gasps, Father Christmas
    appears and departs, Crackers,
    Trivia,"Gifts, Cookies, Mulled wine,
    Irish Coffee, hot cider &  cocoa, plus                             A kilt in Grant tartan, worn by one
                                                                       of  the  retainers  of  the   Scottish
    It was a Dickens of a                                              band  The  Jacobites  by  Name,

                                                                       captured the colors of the season.

        Wow!  We had almost 100 people who  turned out  at       The beverage bar did a brisk business, going through
        our December event.  It  has been several years since    5 gallons of coffee, 2 bottles of Jameson's used in the
        the  NBCC  had  a  Christmas  party.  A  combination  of   Irish Coffees, 7 large bottles of Mulled Wine, done in
        two  years  of  COVID,  with   an  earlier  loss  of  a   the  German  tradition  by  Ilona  Gerou,  50  servings  of
        previous  venue,  meant  that  by  2022  people  were    hot  chocolate,   3  gallons  of  spiced  cider,  a  box  of
        ready  to   deck  the  halls  again,  taking  a  chance  on  a   Harrogate Tea Bags,  and bottles of water for people
        new version of a holiday brunch.                         who simply wanted to hydrate.
        Held at Snug Harbor Farm in Unionville, catering was     If  you  left  hungry,  you  had  no  one  to  blame  but
        provided  by  Big  Heart  Catering  Company.  They       yourself.   Music  was  provided  by  the  Scottish  band
        produced  a  full  English  breakfast  complete  with    from Nashville, The Jacobites by Name, including the
        sausages, eggs, baked beans, baked tomatoes, and an
        English  heated  fruited  compote,  livened  up  with
        Grand  Marnier.   Over  on  the  pastry  table  there  were    images by Ilona Gerou and Todd  Fontechia
        offerings of muffins, scones, Danish pastry,  standard
        and gluten  free.
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