Page 8 - Jan2023
P. 8
Who knew what lurked in Father Christmas made his first appearance
going from table to table with his assistant
the gaily decorated boxes? Gunnar Melson, appropriately garbed in
The man in the suit knew Victorian attire, to see exactly how much the
guests knew about the history of the Christmas
and he wasn't telling. season. He asked trivia questions at each table
until someone came up with a correct answer, at
Surprises came from Under the Bulldog Tree
which point a prize sack appeared and the
Ian Levitt and Dave Bishop, two of our British Christmas smarty was able to put in a hand and
members, got the party started wtih a tutorial on pull out not a plum but a prize.
how to open an authentic British Christmas Things were a little dicey, according to Father
Cracker, that came complete with terrible jokes Christmas, at one table, where he almost ran out
a small toy, and the obligatory paper hat. of questions before someone finally connected
Everyone gamely put them on as a condition of with a right answer-- this was met with a sigh of
being fed. There was only one complaint. relief as no one wanted to be identified as having
A graduate of Vanderbilt University declared that been sitting at the Christmas dolt table.
his hat was defective because it wasn't big Then, much to people's shock, it was discovered
enough to fit his head-- our presumption was, that they couldn't chose their present from under
that as a barrister, his head was probably larger the tree, Father Christmas would select it for
than the average size and his complaint was them. Sometimes you win and sometimes you
ignored. It was that kind of party. lose but whatever you got, you took it home.