Page 21 - July 2022
P. 21

A Tribute and A

         Presentation of Jackets   to

                                                                     L-R Ken & Ellen Springer and Barb & Chip Hanback
              NBCC's  foundational

             club Leaders  and their                                   In case you weren't at the Jubilee Lunch
                                                                       or you  missed it, the text of our current
                                                                       president's presentation comments follow.

                    Chip/Barb, Ken/Eileen                       present  you  with  embroidered  jackets  to
                                                                commemorate  your  accomplishment.   Wear
        "Thank  you  so  much  for  your  selfless
                                                                them with pride."    Todd Fontechia, NBCC President
        contributions  to  the  Nashville  British  Car
        Club  as  President/1st  Lady,  and  Vice
        President/2nd  Lady.   Your  efforts  have
        created an environment of camaraderie and
        enjoyment  for  the  170  car  loving  families
        that have grown to respect you all as leaders
        and friends.  Your character and charm make
        all  members,  new  and  veteran  alike,  feel
        welcomed and cherished.  The club is where
        it  is  because  of  you,  and  we  are  eternally

        With  that,  the  club  members  would  like  to     21
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