Page 30 - July 2022
P. 30
Club July 23rd Drive Informat ion Monthly Cars & Coffee
Tour Leader Russ Welt y
Be There- July 16th , at the AMC parking lot, Cool
You've heard of a moonlight cruise so Springs, on Frazier Drive off Mallory Lane in
why not a dusk drive? July 23rd is the Brentwood.
date for this month's club excursion. From 7-9:30AM, VI P parking until 8:30
Arrive at Edwin Warner Park,
(Sunblock would not be amiss.)
Shelt er 3, at Vaughan Road,
Brent wood, at 4:45 for a 5 PM
depart .
This drive ends where it begins. Enjoy
a self-catered picnic in the park or
do your own thing for dinner.
Remember t o check your Oddment
personal email for any
updat e informat ion about
t he July club drive.
Why does Queen Elizabeth
Be sure t o Add always carry a purse?
nashvillebrit Thanks to the BBC, which
t o your email cont act s list t o featured Elizabeth sharing
always ensure delivery of club tea with Paddington Bear
messages. at Windsor during the
Jubilee, we now know the
answer. Paddington
confessed he always
carries a marmalade
sandwich and the Queen
Always check your Spam Filter if you
opened her purse to reveal
aren't hearing from NBCC.
she carries one, too, in case
she feels peckish. Mystery