Page 31 - July 2022
P. 31

Bel iev e it  !

                                           As t o n  Ma r t in  Vic t o r io u s  in  J u n e
                                               at  t h e 2 4  Ho u r s  o f  Le Ma n s
                                Alt hough t he   legendary car company cont inues t o st ruggle in F1 event s,

                                 for t he second t ime in t hree years, t he marque t opped t he podium in

    LE  MANS-  Champagne  corks  popped   and  Aston
    Martin fans were over the moon.  2022 featured a
    record  breaking  23  cars  in  the  GTE-Amateur
    category and after 343 laps   it was  Aston Martin's
    Vantage,   campaigned  by   Aston  Martin   Official
    Partner Team TF Sport,   at the top of the podium
    at  the  90th  running  of  the  24  Hours  of  Le  Mans.

    This marked the second victory for an Aston Martin
    in  this  category  by  TF  Sports  of  Redhill,  Surrey,            Le Mans image courtesy of Aston Martin Racing
    England, which also led the class in 2020.  The GTE      Bragging rights say that since the turn of the decade, the
    AM  class  is  described  as  'the  place  where         flying wings  have finished on the podium in every class
    gentlemen   can  drive  and  compete  on  a  level       AM has  entered at Le Mans,  2022 being      the fifth year
    playing  field'.  The  other  GTE  class  is  for        of competition in the GTE portion of Le Mans by the  car
    professional drivers only.                               sportscar  writers  describe,  tellingly,   as  a  "British  ultra

    True,  enthusiasts  don't  always   think  of  an   Aston   luxury  vehicle".   This  pair  of  wins  demonstrates
    Martin   as  an  endurance  race   vehicle;  now  TF     conclusively  that  the  Vantage  is  more  than  just  a  pretty
                                                                   Sold for  a record set t ing $13,425,000
    Sports has demonstrated that there is real reason        face. AM entered  the 2022 Le Mans endurance race as a
    to  consider that option.  According to automotive       favorite based on its consistent performance not its looks.
    journalists  writing  after  Le  Mans  2022,   'the      The  Vantage  has  performed  brilliantly  in  both
    winning crew of Ben Keating (USA), double FIA GT         professional  and  amateur  divisions  of  the  GTE  division.
    world  champion  Marco  Sørensen  (DEN)  and             Under  the  bonnet,  a   race-developed  version  of  the
    Henrique Chaves (POR) ? all first-time victors at Le     four-litre, twin-turbo-charged V8 engine found in the road
    Mans  ?  steered  the  #33  Vantage  home  with  a       car provides the power and is not shy about its heft. The
    performance that was close to perfection'.               Vantage   was  dominant   in  the  WEC  GTE  Pro  category

    A finish at the top of the podium wasn't enough for      during the 2019/2020 season. The marque    recorded five
    the  Aston  fans,  who  also    applauded  the  third    wins from eight races, including both Pro and Am classes
    place veteran  finishers that  had entered the race      at the 2020 24 Hours of Le Mans.  The Vantage  ultimately

    as  the  favourites,   also  driving  an  Aston  Martin   took  Aston  Martin  to  the  FIA  GT  Manufacturers?World
    Vantage.  Second and fourth place finishes went to       Championship  title  while   carrying  drivers   Thiim  and

    the   always  formidable   911  RSR  Porsches,  a        Sørensen to the drivers?crown. To this point the Vantage
    traditional name in endurance competition.               has  claimed  12  class  victories   in   the  GTE  segment  of
                                                             competition, now  in its last year on the FIA circuit.
        -   2.  MacNeil  (USA)/Andlauer(France)/Merrill
            (USA), Porsche 911 RSR #79, 343 laps             The  GTE  regulations  will  die  at  the  end  of  2022.  The
        -   3.   Dalla Lana ( Canadian)/Pit t ard ( GB)      category will be  replaced in FIA WEC by a new pro-am GT
            /Thiim (Germany)  , Ast on Mart in #98,          class called GT3 Premium;   until then,  there is plenty of
            342 laps                                         racing action left on the calendar. The final event will be
        -   4.  Wainwright (GB) /Barker (GB) /Pera (Italy)    an 8 hour race in Bahrain in November.
            , Porsche 911 RSR #86, 340 laps
                                                             31                               Race video on page 32
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