Page 4 - Feb2023
P. 4
It's N ew s T im e
w ith Todd Fon tech ia, N BCC Pr esiden t We're Growing
Well, I finally did it, well, we did it; Rick, Len and Welcome New
I pulled the engine out of my TR6 for a rebuild. Let Members
the adventure begin.
James & Lisa
The block, pistons and crankshaft have been McKinney
dropped off at USA Motor and Machine in
Nashville for cleaning and measurements. In the 1977 MGB
meantime, I've been working on cleaning up the Michael " Sparky"
new head and any parts that need restoration. Anderson
It?s been 40 years since I rebuilt the engine in my 1973 MGB GT
'68 Cougar, so wish me luck! See the story later in Tye & Marilyn Trussell
the newsletter about my TR6 project .
1968 MGB & 1967
This month is our Annual Meeting to be held at Triumph Spitfire
the Bavarian Bierhaus in Opry Mills. We'll review
Claude & Elizabet h
the year, get a financial report, member report, an
event recap for 2022 , and elect a new
Vice-President. We'll also mix business with pleasure and enjoy some great 1967 Morgan Plus 4
German food and beer, too. The club will be providing $10 gift cards to help John and JoAn Shaw
offset dinner costs for all those who RSVP'd.
Porsche 911/ 997
Here's an updat e on t he new club websit e: it's mostly done and will be
released at the Annual Meeting. Paul Sanguinetti has volunteered to take
Andy?s place as content manager. Only a few days left to the great unveiling
and I can? wait to see the final product.
What about Cars and Coffee? you are probably wondering since the weather
is improving. Having lost the permanent location at the theatre parking lot,
we'll l be announcing a different location each month for Cars and Coffee until
we find a new , permanent, location. Initial ideas are to use the Cool Springs
Galleria Mall parking lot, and the parking area by the Brentwood Chik-filet on
Franklin Road. Stay tuned for exact locations.
Club Dinners: If you'd like to volunt eer t o host t he next dinner, which
would be in March, please let me know at
All a host needs to do is find a venue where the food is good and the owners
are happy to host a large group, pick a date , let me know and we'll advertise it.
Our January dinner was a Burns Supper held at the Celtic Cup in Tullahoma and
it was a great evening. We have some pictures of it in this issue.
We can do club dinners all year round, in cold weather and in better weather.
The monthly dinners are a great way to meet club members while enjoying the
hospitality that makes NBCC a great club to join. ( This is a reminder that it's
time to renew your membership, dues are still only $20 if paid by check.) Let?s
keep it going! NBCC Officer-at -Large
Paul Sanguinet t i
That's all for now, folks. Stay safe. Have fun and keep?em on the road.
answered t he call and
will wear t wo hat s in
Todd Fontechia 2023. Thanks, Paul, for
st epping up.