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and  the  more  he  talked  to  the  owners  who  had    by MG to be a performance car.  " The big Healey
        listed the car, the more he liked what he heard. The     was  being  discontinued  and  MG  wanted  a  new
        car had  some projects but it was  ready to go out       car to replace it,  but the pencil pushers were in
        of  the  box,  had  an  intersting  story,  was   a  rare   charge  and  the  MGC  was  the  compromise
        model--in short,  it was the perfect retirement car      solution," Stuart said.
        for him, he decided.
                                                                 "  The  car  wasn't  especially  well  received  by  the
        He  bought  Henry  in  2019,  joined  the   Nashville    press at the time . When it was road tested the
        British Car Club the year after, and then discovered     car  had  underinflated  tires  and  in  addition  it
        that  close  on  to  where  he  lived  there  were  two   didn't  handle  like  an  MGB,  so  the  automobile
        other  MGCs  ,  one  belonging  to  Matt  Carden   and   critics  were  unkind  to  it.   The  entire  production
        the  other  to  Marc  Repp.   The  two  men  were  also   run lasted two years and between the GT and the
        members of the NBCC. Two is company and three            roadster  model,  fewer  than  10,000  of  the  cars
        is  a  community,  so  Stuart  moved  from  having  no   were produced."
        MG to having friends nearby with the same cars as
                                                                 Stuart says that Henry would have originally been
        the one he now owned.
                                                                 envisioned as having a three carburetor  set up,
        He  also  liked  the  Mahoneys,  as  they  liked  him.   "   but ended up with two. So he began to look for a
        They  are  a  delightful  couple  who  have  a  love  of   three  carb system to retrofit his car.
        British  cars  They  have  had  several  over  the  years
                                                                  Back to the internet and Stuart  found just what
        and  still  have  an  MGB  and  a  JAG.  And  maybe
                                                                 he was looking for in England, being sold by Victor
        others. They told me that they are in touch with all
                                                                 Young, a  man who is considered the MG guru.
        but  one  of  the  buyers  of  cars  they  have  sold,  "
        Stuart says.

        And true to their past history, the Mahoneys have
        kept  in  touch  with   Stuart  and  by  extension  with
        Henry.   When  he  emailed  them  about  this  article,
        they  immediately  responded  and  had  a  nice  talk
        about  their  journey  with  the  car  and  the  contact
        they  still  maintain  with  Henry's  original  owners.
        Owning Henry has become a family tradition, in the
        words of a Tennessee country song.

        Retirement for Stuart has not meant sitting about,       The  timing  was  perfect.   Stuart  was  planning  a
        watching the flowers poke through the frozen soil.       trip  back  home  to  see  family  and  meet  up  with
        He has projects aplenty and they include  working        old friends;   he  made  an  arrangement to  take a
        on his car. He is always fixing, tweaking or making      side trip to the seller's garage, loaded to the brim
        adjustments to it-- the first thing that went was the    with parts salvaged from the old MG works, and
        ugly  pillow  dash,  replaced  by  a  black   fiberglass   purchased  the  system  he's  now   working  to
        version of the original dash  that came with Henry.      install.  Continues page 60
        Intended  for  the  American  market,  Henry  was

        always a left hand drive model. Recently Stuart has
        been focused on increasing the car's performance.

        He reminds you that the MGC was  intended

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