Page 62 - Feb2023
P. 62

Events &           EXCURSIONS


                                                          Here's somet hing you may not

                                                                  know about  ATMs.

                                                   Unless  you  are  a  person  who  uses  a  credit  or  a  debit  card

                                                   even when going through a fast food  window, the chances
                                                  are good that you have had occasion to use an ATM machine
                                                  to get cash.  The machines are everywhere and you probably
                                                  never  wondered  how  they  came  to  be  a  staple  of
                                                  convenience around the world.

           Please, Wat ch your email              Those who attended the Burns Supper on January 29th were
          for informat ion about   t he           surprised  to  learn   that  the  technology  that  brought  about
         dat e, t ime, and  locat ion for         the ability of a machine to read a card and  produce a correct
          February Cars and Coffee,               amount of cash  was the result of the work of a Scot named
              weat her permit t ing.              Goodfellow, who  made the breakthrough in 1966.  But wait,
                                                  here's something almost no one knows about an ATM unless
    Say SI !  to Tacos, NADA                      The only ATM in t he world t hat  can be used in Lat in is in
            And,  t here's only a few
                                                  they live in Rome.
          more days unt il t he official
         driving season begins again,
     to Turkey!
                                                  t he Vat ican.
           Meanwhile, we're looking               This should come as no surprise as The Vatican happens to
          for a volunt eer t o host  t he         be  one  of  the  only  places  in  the  world  where  Latin  is  still
                                                  being  used  on a  daily  basis.   Thus, the   Vatican Bank  is  the
             March club dinner. St .
                                                  only  bank  in  the  world  that  allows  its  customers  to  select
           Pat rick's Day is in March.
                                                  Latin as a language on their ATMs,  thereby continuing their
          Perhaps a Pub Crawl could
                                                  devoted tradition towards the historic language.
                be in our fut ure?

          Cont act  Todd t o Volunt eer.

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