Page 37 - Sep 2022
P. 37
August 27t h, Cl ub Dr iv e
Thr ough Lew isbur g and
Cor ner sv il l e ( pl at t ed in 1827)
The Ol d Del ina Count r y St or e- 1892
"Most people these days chase new things - new houses, new cars, new objects. But, they don't
realise that old houses, old cars, and old objects have something that new things don't have - their
history and culture." Avijeet Das
August 27th-- The Club turned its cars, just over when tomatoes remind you of all the rich days of
30 of them, south from the Franklin/Brentwood summer that brought you to the end of August.
corridor and headed to a place that none of the
Because the number of cars and drivers was larger
drivers, other than route planners Rick Mathis and
than the number who RSVP'd for the drive, making
Cherie Beatty, had ever been before. In fact it was a
this driving tour the largest of 2022 to date, it took
place the majority of people had never heard of.
a little extra time to take orders and get everyone
The second oldest operating general store in fed.
Tennessee, built in 1892, the Old Delina Country
One of the hanging signs in the diner reminded
Store, was our destination for the last drive of the
people that: " We Don't Have WiFi, so sit and talk
summer season and, while it no longer sells hoop
and pretend that you like each other." With this
cheese, crackers in the barrel, or country hams
group no pretending was needed since the
hanging placidly in nets and brined with salt, it
members genuinely do like each other and were
does turn out homemade ice cream, delectable
happy to welcome many first time attendees
fried pies in a variety of flavors, an assortment of
alongside members who are seldom seen, like Mr.
mouthwatering burgers, and bacon, lettuce, and
and Mrs. Robert Slayden, to our day, way, way, out
tomato sandwiches crowned with thick slices of the
in the country. [Think fresh peach and butter
best locally raised tomatoes. Tomatoes are the
pecan ice cream.]
fruit of of the end of summer season, the time
37 Continued on page 38