Page 38 - Sep 2022
P. 38

Old Delina cont inued from page 37

      Our  drive  started  with  a  meeting   in  Thompson
      Station  and  a  quick   relocation  of  the  group  from
      the  Sarah  Benson  Park  (Who  knew  that  every
      person , dog, and truck in town would fill up every
      parking space that we had planned to inhabit to get
      our drive started?) to the open arms of the United
      Methodist Church next door.  There was both ample
      parking  and  old  shade  trees,   welcomed  because
      the temperatures were not hot but above warmish.

      Much to the organizer's  surprise, after the drivers'
      meeting  was  completed   and  directions  were
      handed  out,  the  cars  still   kept  arriving.  The  more   Above: Greg and Joice Kershisnik made an entrance
      the  merrier  and  nothing  succeeds  like  success.       with  their  shiny  Austin  Healey  3000  and  made  an
      Anyone  who  got  up  on  this  particular  Saturday       impression  at  lunch  with  the  gentleman  taking
      morning must have looked up at the brilliant blue          orders.   Joice  ordered  a  Frizle  Burger  [fried  pickles
      skies  with  the  floating,  fleecy   clouds  and  decided   were involved]  with no meat.  "No meat," he said, "
      that  today  was  the  day  to  head  out  somewhere       that's a first for me."  Later, we discovered that when
      they'd never been before.                                  our  server   was  stationed  in  England  with  the  Air
                                                                 Force, he'd  purchased a TR 6 and brought it back to
      We made the 51 mile trek at a leisurely pace, geared
                                                                 the  States.   Then,   a  growing  family  meant  that  he
      to a speed that could be matched by the oldest car
                                                                 needed a bigger car. " I loved that car, and we drove
      at  the  drive,  in  this  case,   Gene  and  Lilli  Parker's
                                                                 it   all  around  England,  "  he  said  with  obvious
      1952 MGTD, with a top speed of just over 50 mph.
      The small amount of blue smoke that puffed out of
      the  MG  (for  which  Lilli,  adorably,   apologized)      It's  funny isn't it, how the LBC will do that to you.
      before  the  drive began   dissipated  by  the time  we
      were underway . Old MG hands observed that since
      the  car  had,  had  a  complete  engine  rebuild  very
      recently, it just needed  more miles put on it to set
      the rings and sort out the little gremlins.

      There was only one setback during the drive and it
      happened early on.  A 1967 MGB  found itself with
      a dead battery .  Stuart Naylor and Rick Mathis, the
      sweep driver, made the aid and comfort  stop, and
      were able to  jump start the car, before catching up
      with the group.

      It   was  off  to   a  nearby  auto  parts  store  where   a
                                                               Above: L-R Guest Jm Kendig from Monteagle filled Guy
      new  battery  was   installed  (  For  $200  you  can  fix
                                                               Boye's navigator seat in his MGB and spent some time
      anything,"  said the owner. ")  After googling his own
                                                               with  the Rodger McLeans,  backed by their MG before
      route   he   made   it  to  the  Store  in  time  to  order
                                                               the  drive began. It turned out that Kendig and Boye
                                                               had plenty to talk about while on the road  as  both
                                                               were   veterans  and  both   had  lived  in  the  Chicago
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